:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Thursday, September 26, 2002 ::

I'm outta here, I dont' know what's wrong with this but I'm startin a new one
:: Erica 5:52 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 16, 2002 ::
Well the stuff I'm writing isn't posting b/c of some error on the blogger site, but I'm gonna keep writing stuff anyway.

I don't usually write my dreams in here....I don't think I ever have for that matter. But I had really weird dreams last night and I just feel like sharing. Actually in the past most of my dreams have been really really odd, but this past year they've been considerably less. Anyway, last night I dreamt that this guy was taking over the school and I was supposed to stop him. I had these little robotic devices in my hand that looked like cat heads kinda and I was supposed to use them but I didn't know what for. Then the scene changed and I was again with this guy but he was kinda good this time and he might have actually been Pat but I couldn't really see what he looked like. Me and him were outside somewhere and I saw a kangaroo. I thought it was really cute but then it turned into a wallaby and tried to attack us. So we flew up to a rocky ledge that I almost fell off of but he helped me stay on it and we hid from the thing. It still found a way up to the ledge but the Pat kinda guy had special powers (that's how we flew) and I wasn't scared.

The weird part of the dream was that my little brother was on another rocky ledge kinda on the side of us. I looked at him and he was just sitting there with a skateboard on his lap. He had a little sheepish smile on his face and he was just...sitting. I thought something was wrong so I went over to him and lifted the skateboard. One of his legs was cut off and just sitting there under the board. He didn't seem in pain or anything, just kinda confused. It was really sad and I almost cried when I woke up.

The other thing I was gonna say is that I saw my friend Dave from high school today. It is the first time I saw him on campus since he got here this year and it made me really happy. I don't think people that go to college with other people from their class (ahhhemmm Naz people) realize how cool it is to FINALLY see someone else from your graduating class on campus after 2 years of no trace of home at school. I don't know if that makes sense but it's okay, at least I know what I'm talking about.
:: Erica 3:14 PM [+] ::
So....let's see....this weekend WAS fun, but it also involved much drama.

Thursday was mine and Pat's 2 month, but we didn't celebrate til friday. So I wanted to get all the girls together to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding which I already had seen but I wanted them to see it. Sara and Sarah ended up not going, but everyone else came. They all loved it, so I was happy. Pat came over drunk again that night, so that makes 2x in one week. I never mind when he does that, but apparently phone calls at 2 in the morning are getting a little annoying for my roommate.

Friday I had to go to a mentor party at the Edgars' house (the professors that started the mentor and honors program at our school). It was pretty fun, I got to meet people that Maura has been talking about for awhile. Mary and Kyle were the people we rode with and talked to the most, and they are sooooo nice. I got back from that thing at like 7:30 and went right to Pat's house. He gave me a rose and a poster and they both were beautiful. I got him Reservoir Dogs the special edition. We walked up to main street and ate and then went back to his house. We actually watched Reservoir Dogs (it was my 1st time seeing it) and after the movie I was sooooo sleepy so I just went home and went to bed.

Saturday was the beginning of the big blowout. Well the morning was fine. Sara, Maura, Becky and I went to Pat's rugby game at one. He didn't play in the game but it was still really interesting to watch. And apparently when a person has their 1st "try" (scores) they have to run around the field naked. Sooo....Pat's suitemate from last year that I also know pretty well had to do that. It was very amusing.

Okay so after the game Sue was supposed to come for dinner, and earlier in the week Angie said something about coming but I didn't think she really would. Well she said she could come and she was bringing her roommate Kris. I was really happy that everyone was coming but it turned out to be a little problem b/c we were all planning on going to the rugby party that night. Well the rugby party was closed which means whoever is there has to be affiliated with either the rugby team or the sorority that they were partying with. So I was okay b/c I go out with Pat who is on the team, but my friends weren't supposed to be there. Well Angie, Kris, and Sue went anyway b/c they were with me and I wanted Sue to meet one of Pat's friends on the team. But my 5 other suitemates who also wanted to come could definitely not come. They ended up being really hurt because I left them and went with Sue, Angie, and Kris to the party anyway. But I didn't know what else to do. I suggested going to another party with everyone, but my suitemates were like "we don't know any other parties to go to, just go and have fun and we'll talk about it later." So I was like "okay fine" and I went anyway.

We had fun, even though my friends were kinda in trouble for being there. This guy that I know from Geneva that I always pass EVERYWHERE and never say hi to was there and we finally had a whole big conversation about saying hi to each other. We both were a little drunk, but I think the next time we see each other we'll actually acknowledge each other. Of course the guys did the "Father Abraham" song again and got naked. Pat was a good boy though and didn't take his boxers off. Angie got some good naked pics out of that one. Travis randomly came after the party was over and I just kept calling him an asshole which probably isn't good since I have 2 classes with him. But he kept talking about Angie and I was like "stay away from my friends!!" We stopped at some huge party on the way home but that was about it for the night.

So....yesterday morning my suitemates were barely speaking to me. My friends left really early and so there was just....tension. It was horrible. Finally Sara started talking. Apparently it wasn't really the party thing, even though that was the last straw. It was the fact that I'm in that "boyfriend mode" where everything is about Pat. Well obviously everything is about Pat b/c he's all I talk about in this blog. But when I'm in that mind set I don't realize that half the time I'm hurting other people. The first night back to school I spent with Pat. He calls drunk late at night and wakes Sara up and I didn't care. It's just stuff like that that bothers them, and I totally understand what they're talking about. It's so different being outside of a relationship and inside of one. Everything is mostly fine, but it's times when I'm supposed to be doing something with them, and I just ditch them and go with him. It's the "ditching" thing that's really the problem. So from now on, if I have plans with my suitemates, I will hang out with my suitemates. I ended up crying for like a half hour straight so we went to Denny's and ate A LOT. Everything is okay now, but I just kinda have to watch myself and be a bit less self centered.

Like this isn't long enough....I actually have more to write. But lucky for you guys I have to go meet people for lunch so I will continue this later today.
:: Erica 11:46 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 15, 2002 ::
No more drama!!! I'll explain later...
:: Erica 1:49 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 ::
Pat finally broke down and commented on the blog!!
:: Erica 8:42 PM [+] ::
Monday night was another drunken Patrick night. Of course this time he swore that he wasn't coming over when I talked to him earlier that night. Well that was when he was sober. So when he called at 1:40 in the morning I was really out of it and didn't know what was going on. Sara ended up answering the phone and I went and collected him. I was a little annoyed with him b/c usually he tells me when he's coming over, but he didn't this time. Well he came in and said "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, I just really wanted to see you tonight." Of course then I wasn't mad at him at all, I couldn't be.

Yesterday I actually got to talk to Joe on the phone. I think we really miss each other, b/c we keep ending every conversation with "I love you". I still need to talk to the elusive Angie. We IM each other like 2 things and then both have to go. We're two busy people!

I think this weekend is gonna be fun...I can feel it.
:: Erica 11:32 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 09, 2002 ::
Well let's start with last thursday night: Pat did his weekly ritual of coming over totally trashed while I'm sleeping. This time it was 1 instead of 2:30 so that was cool. He said some very interesting things, and I'll leave it at that. He also adamantly believed he could beat me in Mario Kart so at like 1:15 in the morning I break out the game. He was as I said, wasted, so of course I beat him. But just to be fair....he could kick my ass in battle mode when he's sober.

Friday I didn't do much of anything. We went out to eat at pizza hut (me and the girls) and came home. Sara, Sarah, Becky, and Maura left so me and Angela were just like "hmmm okay". Maura came back at like 8 and we went up to downtown and checked out the food scene up there. We came back and invited our friend Johnny over. He came and we watched Leno/Letterman/Conan til I heard a loud knock at the door at 1. Guess who? He was significantly more messed up than thursday night and he somehow convinced me (okay I didnt' need much convincing) to go home with him. On the way back to his house I was kinda leading him back b/c he was walking a little tipsily. We get to the sidewalk in front of his house and there are people milling around in a group. Pat goes up to them and just says "people" like he's a 2 year old that is defining objects. It was the cutest thing. I was like "yes those are people, let's go in your house now." And I pulled him away from the now staring crowd.

Saturday we woke up and went to breakfast on main street....well breakfast at like 1:30. It was very good. Of course I had a bacon and cheese omelet....yeah I'm trying to contribute to my early heart attack. I also FINALLY told Pat about the whole Australia thing. I've been wanting to tell him forever and he says he might be going to Italy over intersession so I thought it was time to bring it up. Of course now I don't even know if I'm gonna make it there in the spring with all the shit that has to get done, but at least it's out there.

All of the afternoon on saturday I felt like a total lazy ass. We all did. The girls and I ended up watching Sorority Life for like....4 hours straight. It was HORRIBLE but I couldn't stop. Damn addicting MTV shows....anyway we were like okay we HAVE to do something productive now. So......we decided to go to Niagara Falls at like 9 at night. We got there at about 11, played the slots at the casino, ate at the hardrock, had a few drinks, and went home. We also got hit on with the stupidest pick up lines EVER. A guy ACTUALLY asked me if it hurt when I fell from heaven. Another guy went the opposite route and just announced that he was horny. We got home that night at around 4 and just totally crashed.

Yesterday we went to the mall and I bought nothing significant. Well I bought a cute necklace that I haven't had a chance to wear yet, and I bought Pat a present. I wasn't even thinking of our 2 month anniversary that's coming up, but I then thought, hey I might as well give it to him then. So now he's gonna buy me something even though he doesn't have to b/c I know that stuff is not his forte. But I also know that I'll love whatever he gets me so it's okay. When I got back from the mall I went to his house and we went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding which actually was funny, despite the presence of Joey Fatone.

Tonight I had my first psyc of women class. It went better than I thought it would, and we watched a very moving video on women in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule. It got me thinking....and this is nothing I want to fight with anyone about, it's just something I was thinking about: I'm one of those people that believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't want to say that the 9/11 thing was at ALL a good thing, but now I think that it might have happened for a reason. Women under taliban rule in Afghanistan were depressed all the time. They were committing suicide using a poison that took 3 days to kill them. A woman was stoned to death for breast feeding her infant on the street. An elderly woman was beaten severely for falling and accidentally showing an ankle. The list goes on and on. Maybe the instant death over here helped to prevent endless torturing over there. Now the Taliban is down and I know there's still fighting and I know there's a ton of things to argue with me about, but....it's just something to think about.

Ummm let's not end on a depressing note....it's a beautiful night outside tonight, everyone should go enjoy it.
:: Erica 9:54 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, September 05, 2002 ::
Last night was the finale of American Idol. I've watched the show from the beginning and the finale incorporated everyone. It was fun to watch. I was soooo happy that Kelly won, she deserved it. Congrats Kelly!

Tom Deluca, this famous hypnotist guy, did his show here last night and Pat was one of the security guys on the stage "b/c they needed a big guy up there, ya know" in his words. I was one of the people picked to be hypnotized last year but it didn't work on me and I went back to my seat. Pat swears it really works though, after seeing it up close like that. I didn't go this year b/c of American Idol, and b/c I went the past 2 years, and it's pretty much the same thing each year.

After the show me and Pat went back to his house and I stayed there. Usually we just sleep like normal people, but lately Pat's been talking in his sleep for some reason and it was really funny last night b/c every time he said something I would wake up b/c I thought he was talking to me. One time he was having a very lucid seeming conversation with me about a yellow coffee cup....of course in the morning we both didn't know what the hell he was talking about. I ended up having really weird dreams about little people too.

And people are stealing lap-tops in my dorm...they better stay the hell out of my room.
:: Erica 6:04 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 ::
Hmmm so last week was interesting.

Thursday was uneventful except that I got reintroduced to what went on last year. I was asleep but I KNEW Pat was gonna come over drunk...possibly b/c he said he probably would. So I was sleeping with the phone near my bed, and sure enough, he called at 2:30 in the morning. He was outside and had some girls let him in the building. He came up and was being really funny. He actually didn't wake up any of my suitemates either, so that's a plus. Even though he woke me up for an hour in the middle of the night when I had class the next morning it was okay b/c it was nice to see him, even drunk off his ass.

Friday we went out for a very late birthday for Maura. (Her birthday is August 10th) We went to Tully's in Rochester and it was fun...except I thought I was gonna die from a heart attack. I ate smothered cheese fries and a HUGE grilled cheese and bacon sandwich. It's so odd that I'm underweight, I must be the queen of quick metabolism. Anyway...before people start beating me up...we went to the mall after dinner. I didn't really buy much but hey, it's the mall, it's still fun. Pat called while I was there and asked me what I was buying him....yeaaaaaah. We were gonna go to the movies and watch Road to Perdition but I guess the girls were tired so we just went back to the room. Me and Maura stayed up for a little while and then just went to bed. Pat did NOT come over this time.

Saturday I was SO lazy....wait actually the whole weekend I was very lazy. But saturday all of us were lazy. We just sat around watching movies for like the whole day. We watched Pretty in Pink and Cocktail. (Apparently it was 80s weekend) Pat stopped over at like 6 and I had already eaten dinner but I went with him to eat downtown anyway. Then we went to the rugby house to see if the guys were wasted yet. (This was at like 7) They had already finished a bottle and a half of some clear substance. This guy that lived near me freshman year was there and could NOT get my name right. He STILL thinks my name is Victoria. So I call him by the wrong name and don't answer his questions. Anyway, I hung out with them for a little bit (they were being really hilariously funny) and then went back to the room to get Maura and Angela, who were going back there with me for a party that night.

We went back at like 9:30. The guys were having a "nerds and jocks" party, so of course they were all dressed like nerds. Pat had a "rock star" shirt on and was wearing funky glasses when I got there. Some of the guys went all out. Pat decided to put Davey's baseball helmet on and run headfirst into the wall of the house, that was some good entertainment. Other highlights: We almost got sprayed by a skunk on the way there, Travis showed up, I told Davey I loved him randomly, I yelled at this guy to get better self esteem, and oh yeah....rugby guys looooove to get naked, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Sunday Pat had to go home for family stuff so I went back with him and he dropped me off home on his way. I hung out with Joe and his little buddy Mike. Mike was drunk as HELL and would not stop laughing in the back of Joe's car. He ran into bushes and scared cats...it was not a pretty site. We finally took him back home and were gonna watch the 2 movies we rented but we didn't even get through half of one. Good thing I paid 7 dollars for them b/c we got so much use out of them :-P

Yesterday Pat came back to Geneva and we went to my grandparent's house for dinner. It was the typical grandparent's dinner that we always have. I just hope Pat enjoyed it. I'm kinda biased b/c I'm in the family and always have a good time, but I'm glad he came, since every time I go my grandparents ask where he is. Well besides the fact that I'm just glad he came. We went back to Geneseo after dinner and I STILL didn't do any work.

Yeah so today would have been fine (especially since I got a 100 on a quiz I didn't study for at all) except that a paper was due for my psyc of personality class. I totally didn't have it done at all and smart person that I am decided to say "I left it in my room, can I just bring it to your office?" My professor was like "okay just hurry up." Okay....I'll hurry up and write a 2 page paper and bring it back, when I haven't even thought about the topic yet...sure I can do that. Well...it's a damn good thing I can work under pressure b/c I finished it in a half hour and practically ran back to the office. Her TA was there and took my paper for me, not realizing that I just finished it. Hopefully the professor won't catch on either....

Tomorrow I start my piano lessons, yay!
:: Erica 7:02 PM [+] ::

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