:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 ::

Wow I just looked back to the 1st blogs that me and Joe ever wrote in here, and we both seem so psychotically happy and all about each other in them. Joe, you should read them, they're cute. And then maybe you'll actually stop boycotting this blog!
:: Erica 12:16 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 ::
Well I finally got out of taking Italian. I was gonna take it, but I feel like such a slacker for taking only one 300 level class so I decided to drop it and take psyc of women instead. This means I don't have to wake up at 7:20 in the morning, but it also means that I have to go to a 2 and a half hour class once a week late at night. Oh well, in the long run it will be better.

In other news, my film class seems promising, I have a very dramatic old woman for a teacher but I went to her office and she's a very nice lady. If I feel up to it I might do a film minor, which is kind of a secret that they even offer it here, but she said she'd keep me informed so that's sweet. My psyc of personality class is kinda cool too, I think I'll like it.
:: Erica 6:52 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 25, 2002 ::
Okay so I haven't written in awhile and I am now back at the good ole school of geneseo. I got here yesterday after my great uncle's funeral, and I was so slow unpacking that I didn't finish til today. Well from 8 last night to 12 today I kinda wasn't around to unpack but that's beside the point.

Thursday was my last day of work. My boss told me that I was a really good worker and he'd be happy to have me back to work next year. I got out early too. I'm really gonna miss my cabbages....yeaaaaah.

Thursday night I went to visit Sjene with Angie and Sue. I got to meet her boyfriend and Kar's boyfriend. They're both really cool and nice. Angie and Sue ended up getting extremely trashed and Sue was about as drunk as a person can get. I stopped drinking after 3 beers so I could take care of them, but it was still a good time. All 3 of us slept in a bed at Kar/Sjene's house. There was much drama that night though. Angie, Sue, and I all cried at some point in the night for all different reasons. Pat also called at like 3, and he usually calls late when he's drunk or whatever, but usually he just leaves a message b/c I'm sleeping. Well....I was awake and very drunk, even thought he wasn't really too drunk. It was a funny conversation, even though I kept giving the phone to different people to talk to him. I'm really glad I got to see Sjene and Karrie, I never talk to them anymore and I miss them.

Friday was really hectic. I went to the mall in the morning and bought a ton of cool stuff. I got 3 new pairs of pants, a sweater, a purse, and sneakers. Friday night I had a late dinner with Angie and Sue, then went to walmart and wegmans. I was really stressed out and sad and it wasn't a very good night.

Yesterday I got here at about 1. I was still unpacking at like 5 when Pat came over. He went to the front desk of my dorm and asked them for my phone # and then called up and said he was downstairs. I find that cute, but maybe that's just me. He came up and checked out my room, but then I had to go to dinner with my suitemates so I said I would go to his house later. Oh yeah and his house is like 2 seconds away and able to be seen out my window, so that's cool. So I went to dinner and caught up with my suitemates, then went there. His house is very cool, I'm jealous. Well it's not the best house in the world, especially with guys living there, but I still really like it, it's cozy or something. Anyway, we waited for his 386 freshman girl - friends to get there and then went to the rugby house. He thought he was the man b/c he brought so many girls to the party that at that point consisted of like 2 girls and 5 guys. We ended up leaving and going to the lacrosse house, which was considerably bigger. It was a very fun night, and I got very drunk. We just went back to his house and crashed, and I actually got more sleep last night than I got the 3 previous nights.
This morning I couldn't get my ass out of bed, and almost got caught up watching the whole movie of Dumb and Dumber that he had playing. Finally at like 12 I left and went back.

I was scared that coming to school would be weird for our relationship. We had this whole summer system where we saw each other like 2x a week and that worked well b/c we both were really busy. But here we live not 45 minutes away from each other but 1 minute walking distance and we have to work out a different system. I'm not that girl that wants to see my boyfriend every 2 seconds, and he's not that guy either, so I hope it will be okay. Yesterday was fine b/c we hadn't seen each other in a week and we both really missed each other. I'm sure it will be fine, I'm just rambling to myself really.

Oh yeah and I met most of the neighbors, with the exception of 2 of the girls. They all seem really nice. And unlike most of the quads on campus, we have 2 guy rooms and 2 girl rooms. Okay that's it.
:: Erica 8:50 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 19, 2002 ::
Let me just say that saturday was one of the most fun days/nights of the summer. Sue had some people over, and for awhile it was just me, Sue, Angie, and Pat. It was cool b/c it's the 1st time Angie's been in town for a long time. And Pat arrived earlier than he was supposed to so I was happy.

We were supposed to go watch fireworks at the whale watch at 10, but Angie's friend Dave came at about that time, and Sue didn't want to see them anyway, so we just kinda forgot that idea. Plus we probably would have had to walk b/c some of us...no make that most of us were buzzin by that time. So me and Pat kicked ass in beer pong, and more people came over, and by 12 we were ready for the bars.

Half of us walked to the bars, and half got a ride with Chad. Sue walked into a tree on the way there, it was pretty funny. She vowed not to tell anyone what happened and then told the whole downtown population. I was pretty damn wasted by the end of the night, and so was Patrick. Being the smart boy that he is, he decides he wants to fight Tyler, this guy from my class. I thought they were just talking, but Tyler is always an ass, even when he's just talking normally. I don't even really know the chain of events, but all I know is that I was dragging Pat down the street at 2:30 in the morning, trying to get him to go back to Sue's and not turn around and chase Tyler down. Of course Tyler had to instigate things by following us up the street and waving to me.

So finally we started walking back to Sue's. Angie got scared of some ghetto guy punching garbage cans so she had run up the street with Dave already, and me and Pat met them up there and walked with them back. Pat had calmed down on the walk back, and we went inside and fell asleep. Well Pat slept downstairs, of COURSE ;-)
:: Erica 1:10 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 17, 2002 ::
Meeeeeeeow.....that's for you, baby ;-)
:: Erica 4:18 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, August 16, 2002 ::
Wow I'm just blogging like crazy lately....and Joe hasn't written in here in approximately forever. Well anyway, I thought I'd be like Elliot Fox's livejournal and put a little test I took in here, just b/c....well b/c it says nice things about me, so...yeah:

Personality Test
Your personality score is 43

What does this score mean?

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

Sweet, eh? That's it, goodbye.
:: Erica 4:40 PM [+] ::
I forgot to mention: 366 dollars for books for school??? Yeah that sucks JUST a little bit
:: Erica 1:12 PM [+] ::
Okay so continuing with my stories of cool stuff that happens, last sunday was the "Great Race" at Owasco Lake in Auburn. Pat invited me and I invited some friends. The only ones that could come were Chris O'Donnell and my cousin Lauren and her boyfriend Scott. But that's okay b/c they're cool people that I never get to hang out with anymore. It was a fun day, and a hot one. One of Pat's friends who was extremely pale had to apply sunblock like every 15 minutes, I felt bad for him. We just kinda walked around and I got to meet a lot of people. I finally met Pat's dad too, he's a riot. I love little Italian men, they're great. We kinda got to go swimming, but it was really shallow so we just waded out a little bit. It still cooled us off so that was good. I forgot to eat something before I went there, and when Pat's dad offered me a beer I took it, forgetting that I would probably get drunk by that one beer. Yep, that's definitely what happened. I had 2 the whole day and I was pretty hammered. I felt like an idiot but it was fun anyway. All the guys were drunk too, and Pat's old suitemates (that are also on the rugby team with him) decided to play drinking games. I got to see them drink beer from a sneaker and almost get naked. I wish I had a camera.

Pat came over tuesday night too. We went swimming at Seneca Lake and then ate some Mark's pizza which I love now that I ate it drunk one time and loved it. I kinda forgot about Nick Cemoni working there and he wasn't working when we were there but oh yeah he just happened to stop in, that was great. After that we watched Signs which was an AWESOME movie and then just went back to my house. It was a really fun night though, I can't really describe here how much I enjoyed it.

Yesterday I got to hang out with Joe, yay! We rented The Ice Storm which was...semi-okay. We also went to wegmans where I ran into "the ex". Yeah...extremely awkward, especially when Joe sees it fit to shout out "she has a huge ass!" about his new woman when she was right there. I was gonna try to be nice and say hi to him, but he very clearly averted his eyes so I thought "eh fuck it".

Right now I should be working, but my supervisor is kinda missing. He's probably on his computer playing chess like the dork that he is. (he does that during breaks) Oh and Sean and Adam's last day was today, did they even say bye to me? Noooo....I see how it is. I saw them and they were like "haha see ya haha" but I didn't know what they were laughing about til the lady they work with said they were leaving. Okay Fred is back so I'm outta here

Oh wait, Angie is coming tomorrow, I'm so excited!!
:: Erica 1:11 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 12, 2002 ::
Ya know, I try to do a good deed for society and they don't even let me. Damn stupid low iron...my "hermocrit" was 2% lower than it should have been, and they wouldn't let me give. Next time there's a blood drive I'm gonna eat a can of spinach and they better take my damn blood!
:: Erica 12:56 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 10, 2002 ::
Hmmm....if I try to write everything that's happened since my last entry it will take all night so maybe I'll write some now and some later.

August 1st I traveled to Michigan. It was my first time on a plane, but I didn't get scared or nervous or anything. I got all window seats which was awesome b/c I just stared out the window for half the flight. (each flight was only an hour) I got to change planes at Chicago's O'Hare Airport and, not that I have any other experiences with airports, but I thought it must have been one of the coolest ones in the US. It's HUGE and has sooooo many stores, kind of like a mall with airplanes.

I won't say EVERYTHING that happened each day in Traverse City, but I'll list the highlights. First of all, Traverse City is the cherry capital of Michigan and they had stores that had cherry EVERYTHING. I love cherries and I have a cherry shirt and necklace so I wore them there. The bays of Lake Michigan are SO beautiful, and they have white sandy beaches, so it was like an ocean without the salt. We went to Mackinac Island, which was also beautiful. There are no cars allowed there so in crossing the streets we had to watch out for horses and bikers. There is a HUGE hotel there called The Grand and me, Angie, and her mom ate lunch there. About 265 Jamaican waiters swarmed us, but other than that the food was so fancy I was afraid to touch some of it. It was a buffet with like....the best food in the world. I ended up getting like 6 plates of food and I bet I gained 5 pounds. Angie works at a resort in Traverse City and we went to visit that too. It reminded me of the hotel in the shining (well just the inside) it was that big. I would love to work at a place like that. I got to meet people she works with, and her family friends stayed in her house while I was there too. The father is Japanese and the mother is white, so naturally the children are the cutest things ever. There was one little girl, Mallory, that I wished lived here so I could babysit her, she's so cute. I think that's about it, of course there's more, but that's all I feel like typing right now.

My softball is over, which is good, more free time for me! I went to Pat's last lacrosse game on wednesday, it was the championship. Me and Sue went to his house before the game and it was the 1st time I'd seen him since going to Michigan. They won their game 21-5 and we got to see Pat fall down in front of us. Actually now that I think about it, he fell down a lot that night. Anyway, after the game he came out of the rink and I wanted to jump him right there. I don't mean to be gross or anything since he was all sweaty and stuff, but he looked great. So...we went back to his house and me and Sue watched a little tv with his mom while he took a shower and shaved. I love talking to his mom, she's so funny and easy to talk to. Then we went to a bonfire some girl had at the lake. I got to see some girl punch a guy in the face, that's always nice. It was really pretty out there though, we were right on the lake and the stars were out and everything. Sue had to work early and so did I so we kinda left early (well 12:30) but I had a great time.

Tomorrow I'm so excited b/c I'm going to Auburn again for the "Great Race". I'll write more about it after, but it should be awesome.
:: Erica 6:40 PM [+] ::

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