:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Monday, July 29, 2002 ::

I should write in this thing a little more frequently than every 7 days I think, but I don't have time except on my lunch hours now b/c I have NO WHEELS. (tear) My little blue 89 plymouth sundance is no more. It served me well for 3 years, and now it is gone. (okay so I"m being a little overdramatic about it) But now I have no car and no money to get another one at least for a little while. It's not like I use a car much at school but ever since I've had my license I've had my own car so I'm just not used to being without one.

Hmmm not many interesting things happened over the weekdays last week. Monday my power went off at my house for 5 hours. I was so bored that I just called a bunch of people. I think I talked to Sue, Maura, Pat, and Angie, which basically took up like 3 hours. A bunch of trees were down on our road, and a huge one fell on my cousin's car, totalling it. But no trees were down at my house.

Tuesday we had an awesome softball game. We were down all game but scored 4 runs to come back to win it in the 7th inning. I had 3 hits that game and I scored 3 times also. I also advanced the runner that scored the winning run in the 7th. Later that night I saw Men in Black II with Sue, Joe, and Chris. I thought it was really good, but that might just be my opinion.

Friday night there was some "Cruisin" night on the streets of downtown Geneva. It was open container night or something so everyone was just carrying beer and stuff around outside. Joe wanted to go out friday night which was AWESOME b/c I never hang out with him anymore. So me and him went to Copperfields at around 8 to get some drinks, then we hung out on the streets. Sue had to work til 11 so she met us there then. So basically me and Joe just walked around and talked to people til the bars actually had a crowd later. Before Sue got there I had already had 3 beers and was trying to down my 4th b/c this girl kept saying "just chug it!!". So for some reason I listened to her, even though I KNEW I would get sick. So I basically finished it really fast and immediately felt sick. I ran outside and tried to get over it but it was too late....I ended up "spitting out" all the beer I just drank all over the street in front of Parkers. Of course there were a ton of people in front of Parkers so I felt SO STUPID. I woulnd't even look at any of them. I ran up the street and ran into Sue. I started crying to her and saying I just threw up in front of a million people, so she comforted me and I felt a little better. I didn't drink any more that night.

Saturday night I got to show Pat the bar scene in G-town. Me and Sue were kinda planning to go to Gabe and Justin's but they were doing something else so we ended up going downtown again. Pat came at like 6:30 and we just hung out til 11. Well we wanted to go to the lake but on our way there it started raining. I don't know if we'll ever get to the lake this summer, but we're still gonna try. Pat drove to Sue's house b/c he wanted to see me drunk when he's sober. (usually it's the other way around) Then we went to Wylie J's and played a couple games of pool with Sue and Ricky. Me and Pat beat them both times, we're quite the pool sharks. We also went to Copperfields for a little bit, but I don't know if that was a good idea b/c I kept seeing random people from my past and it was freaking me out. Cody Morrow was there which I don't really mind b/c I see him all the time, but we were standing right next to Eric Ninestine and I dind't even know it for a long time. We left the bars when they closed and walked back to Sue's house after rescuing her from Ricky's apt. This probably sounds retarded, but the coolest thing about saturday night is that I got to introduce Pat to people as my boyfriend, which I've never done, well I've never done it in his presense. And he saw someone he knew and the guy asked what he was doing there. He said "I'm with my girlfriend." and I got all happy. ANYWAY my lunch hour is done so I'm gonna go before I regret typing that.
:: Erica 1:03 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 ::
Okay let's see...friday night I spent the night at Sue's house. We woke up and then went to lunch at Ports with Steph and Stacey. Then at like 5 me and Sue went to the mall. The first person we saw there (actually it wasn't there, he was leaving the mall) was Sue's friend Keith. So we stopped and talked to him for awhile. THEN I remembered that Pat Kiley works at Lids now so we walked by very slowly to see if he was there. Sure enough...he was. It was great, I'd been wanting to see him for 2 years now just to see what's going on with him. So we stopped and talked with him for a little bit and went on about our business. I didn't buy much, I kinda just bought a lot of underwear, which could come in handy with my non-single status.

After the mall we went to the bars again. This time we went from Wylie Js to Copperfields to Parkers to Copperfields to Wylie Js....it was a little annoying but not really b/c I would see different people every time I went somewhere else. I saw 3 of my dad's friends, I'm not even gonna count the DHS people I saw, and Dave, my boss from Ports. He was being really nice and offered to buy me a beer but I didn't take it. I didn't feel like spending the night at Sue's again so I wasn't gonna drink. I drove home at like 3 and just crashed.

Sunday Pat came over. We have this like...see each other every 5 days thing going on. Well not this week, but usually it's like that. Anyway I introduced him to my grandparents and we played some pool and ping pong at their house. He beat me in pool but I kicked his ass in 2 out of 3 games of ping pong so it was all good. We were trying to get to the lake sunday, but we kept getting sidetracked and never made it. We got hungry so we went to Parkers and ate, then we saw Sue at work and talked to her for awhile. By that time it was too late for the lake so we rented I Am Sam and watched it at my house. It was a pretty good movie, but I don't understand why people think it's "awesome". It still made me cry though. It was really late and Pat was like...almost falling asleep on my couch so he left and I went to bed. It was still a really good night though.
:: Erica 1:03 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 ::
So I'm here at work, dreading the fun filled afternoon of washing pots I have ahead of me. It helps that this morning I got to work with Adam and Sean again, who I haven't worked with in forever. They were up to their usual antics, and I was laughing hysterically the whole morning. We had to pot plants, and Adam brought a cd player down to the potting shed. Of COURSE since I always make fun of his obsession with Hootie and the Blowfish he played a cd with like 5 of their songs. Then his necklace broke all over the floor and he was sad for like an hour so it was a very quiet hour. After we potted the plants we had to empty plants into a wheelbarrow and throw them outside. Well Adam kept telling Sean "Don't throw me the pots, you're gonna get it on the floor". Of course Sean throws a pot clear out of the greenhouse and the soil gets all over the place. Adam then yelled at Sean for about a half hour, I swear they act like a married couple. Then they had a duel with Bamboo sticks out in the rain. Apparently they have nicknames for all the girls that work with us, and I really wanna know what mine is (maybe I don't actually) but they won't tell me. I'll find out someday though.

I still have to write about saturday and sunday which were both very good days (and nights) but I think Francisco is going to pull me outta here to work for him pretty soon, so I'll do it later.
:: Erica 1:02 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 20, 2002 ::
Sweeeeet there's a picture of me online somehow...I'm stealing this link from Joe's other blog. For anyone that cares, this is my friend Sue, me (a weirdly bad pic but oh well), Joe, and Chris: http://community.webshots.com/photo/43984008/43984181FNMBdd

Hopefully that works...
:: Erica 2:01 PM [+] ::
Sue just reminded me that I needed to write in this bad boy b/c I haven't in awhile. Pat also reminded me on wednesday but I didn't have time then to write.

Let's see.....well continuing with the last one, while I was at Gabe and Justin's last saturday Travis stopped by randomly with Twan. It was kinda funny b/c he never goes over there and I hadn't been there in a long time either. He got in the door and was like "What the fuck are you doing here?" Then the 10 minutes they were there consisted of him fighting with Sue and trying to get info about me and Pat. Sue hates him b/c she thinks he's arrogant and whatever, and she didn't bother hiding it at all when he came over. I just found it really funny.

Tuesday night at my softball game (in the 1st inning which sucks) a girl hit the ball to Sue in the outfield. The ball bounced on the ground and hit her lip. It immediately swelled to the size of a grapefruit (okay no not that big) but it was frikken huge and she had to go to the hospital. Now it is completely purple and she's afraid to come out of her house. But we won our softball game...it's only the 2nd one we won all year.

Wednesday I went to Pat's. I got there at like 8 and he was sitting on his front porch with his friend. He also had no shirt on and looked really hot.....ANYWAY we talked with his friend for awhile and then went inside and he showed me his room and his basement. Then we went to Owasco lake and walked on the pier. Everything was really pretty, the night, the lake, the pier. We were getting attacked by spider webs too which was pretty entertaining. We went back to his house to see if any parties were happening that night but nothing was really going on so we just watched a movie at his house. I was REALLY tired b/c tuesday night we were talking forever on the phone and I got no sleep so by 12 on wednesday I was ready to just pass out. So I went home and just fell into my bed.

Thursday we had another softball game. We lost again (BIG SURPRISE) but Sue actually played which I wouldn't have had the balls to do. It was a horrible day to play too. It was slightly raining but the ground was still REALLY hard so all the balls would hit the ground and jump in some weird direction. She didn't get hit again though. I got some hit to me which never happens at 1st base and I happened to forget my cleats so I was just sliding around trying to get them. (it wasn't really working out for me)

Last night I went with Sue, Steph, Stacey, and 2 of Steph's friends from school to the bar. Well actually we went to Steph's 1st and I watched people play beer pong and got extremely buzzed before I even got to the bar. The bar we were going to last night wasn't the same one we usually go to so I thought it'd be kinda dead. But some people from Copperfields came to Wylie J's and I had a good time. At the end of the night Sue was talking to her semi-boy toy that works the door there and this other guy that I met before started talking to me. His name is Aaron and I met him a couple weeks ago at the bar but he didnt' talk to me too much then. I don't know WHY he started talking to me so much this time b/c he was most likely the hottest guy in the bar last night. Of course I'm not looking for a guy right now (obviously) plus he's like 26. He's a baseball coach for the Geneva Lakers. Apparently he rode his bike past my car when I was driving one day and he knew it was me, oddly enough since I met him once in a dark bar. But anyway me and Sue walked back to her house b/c we were both a little tipsey and all in all it was a good night.
:: Erica 11:51 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, July 14, 2002 ::
I am at Gabe and Justin's right now and Sue would like the world to know that she was at Darien Lake too. She was being really funny also and she wasn't just the taxi driver. Justin and Gabe are talking about vegetable sex right now and it's scaring me immensely. So.....I'm gonna go...........
:: Erica 1:43 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 13, 2002 ::
Yeah I forgot to mention in that last blog that I went to Darien Lake monday for Gabe's birthday and had a great time. The Superman is THE coolest rollercoaster ever. Gabe and Justin were being really funny too.

Also sunday I went sailing with Maura and her mother's cousins. The boat was really big and we got to talk for like 6 hours and catch up on everything. I was really happy to get to hang out with her this summer at least once.

Sooo.....last night Pat came to Geneva to visit. We went to Ports, I gave him a little walk around my house grounds, and we went to the movies. We saw Minority Report which was actually good so I'm ending my Tom Cruise boycott. But it was a friday night and there were 2 other people in the theater besides us, that was a little weird. Maybe it was the Italian Festival...? So we came back to my house and he spent the night. We fell asleep on the couch but then Keith's drunk friend Matt came over and was like "yo that's my spot, I have to sleep there" and was going on about it. Pat was already asleep but I wasn't so I was like "Okay we'll move" and roused him to go upstairs and sleep instead. My parents were a little worried about us sleeping in my bed together on the first night they even met him, but I explained the Matt thing and they didn't care. (of course, what do they EVER care about)

This morning we woke up late and I tried to take him to like 29865 different swimming places but I couldn't find any of them. (okay or just 2) It sucked b/c it was just a waste of time, but it was time with him so it's all good. He left around 2. I think our relationship is moving to new levels and it's very exciting. I'm a little sleepy, you can't really get a good night's sleep when you're sharing a single bed with someone so I think I'm gonna take a nap. G'night!
:: Erica 5:10 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 ::
I'm at Sue's right now and I don't have a lot of time to write, but I just wanna say that I've been in a general good mood pretty much all summer and I thought I wouldn't be, so that's awesome. Everything seems to be working out for me at the moment, and I hope it doesn't change.

My job is still great, Adam and Sean asked if Pat was "good to me" like they're my parents or something. My supervisor and kinda supervisor guy have started calling me "Erotica" which is a little creepy but mostly just funny. My job is easy as hell and I get a tan, so what's not to like anyway?

I've been talking to Pat kinda a lot lately, it's really cool. I saw him monday, in case you missed Sue's comment. Me and Sue went to Auburn for a "little get together" which was like 20 lacrosse guys. It was really fun, I had a good time. He's coming friday to FINALLY see G-town.

AND I'm soooo excited about going to see Angie, I miss her so much.

Oops I've been talking for too long, I gotta go!!!
:: Erica 10:34 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 06, 2002 ::
Ah weddings....the joy of seeing people in love and the envy of it not being you.

Although I had a great time at my cousin's wedding, it still depressed me a little bit. I wish I could have been part of the cute couple thing that seemed to permeate the entire place (there were like 3 single people there)....BUT I looked good which was cool b/c I got like 2865 compliments. But then this guy started talking to me that was liiiike....26 and he kept talking about how he wasn't married yet and all these younger people are already married and he would NOT stop talking to me. Leah (the bride) told me he has a thing for me so I was trying to kinda avoid him but nope, he definitely found me and talked to me forever.

:: Erica 5:07 PM [+] ::
I'm a little pissed tonight, a little disappointed, and a little (or a lot) tired.

Joe was being an ass online tonight, no big shocker there. I got a little mad after he said something to Pat and I made him take me home. But I don't think it was what Joe said as much as me and Pat NEVER getting to hang out that made me wanna go home. Well I shouldn't say never, I'm sure there'll be time. But he was supposed to come to Geneva this sunday and he can't. He said something about monday but I can't then. I said wednesday and HE can't. It's a whole big process to see each other and it's kinda frustrating. I mean I saw him practically every single day at school and I was getting used to the fact that I wasn't gonna see him this summer except that I DID see him and now I want to again. Oh well, it's really not a big deal but as I said I'm really tired anyway which totally magnifies my emotions and makes me retarded.

Tomorrow I'm gonna be in my cousin's wedding tomorrow which is cool, I haven't actually been an active participant in a wedding since I was 4, so it should be fun. Then sunday I'm going sailing with Maura for like...allllll day and I'm looking forward to that too. Monday I get to go to Darien Lake with Gabe, Sue, and Justin for Gabe's birthday and I looooove rollercoasters. So the not seeing Pat thing will definitely be outweighed by cool stuff happening.
:: Erica 12:12 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 01, 2002 ::
Yeah I'm at work right now, and my boss decided to go on vacation this week. That'd have been fine, I'd have been happy to sit here and do nothing for a whole week. But noooo he left me ALL the work that HE was supposed to do. I've been working here for what, 2 weeks now? And he decides to just put me in charge of his whole project. Pretty damn trustworthy of him. Now I have to be on my best behavior or I'll fuck up his whole experiment. This sucks.
:: Erica 9:01 AM [+] ::

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