:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Sunday, June 30, 2002 ::

I just realized that a lot of my making out occurs during Conan O'Brian....random thoughts
:: Erica 11:15 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 29, 2002 ::
Hmmm a LITTLE behind on this thing, I'll try to catch ya'll up.

The monday after I saw The Sum of All Fears I went to Carousel Mall with Sue. We met her friend Lynn there and it was fun. I randomly invited Pat over IM b/c at that time I didn't have his phone # but it was pretty last minute, so he didn't come. I hardly EVER go to Carousel and it's an awesome mall so I had a really good time. I ended up spending like 100 dollars there too.

Wednesday I started my new job. I went in at 8 and filled out all my paperwork. Then I got shown around the lab I would be working in, and I met some people I would be working with. Wednesday, thursday, and friday I did work with cabbage and lady beetles. (not the same project). I worked mostly with my supervisor, Fred, who is pretty cool but he used to be a Mennenite so he's kinda uptight. I also worked with this guy Bill that knows both my parents so he keeps threatening me with stories about them. Holly Townly works for him and I worked with her that week too. Bill AND Holly's mother told me they were gonna hook me up with her brother, which was fine with me since he's one of the hottest guys in Geneva, but I knew not to take that seriously.

Friday I went to dinner at Parkers with Sue after work and then we met Joe at the bar his parents go to. It wasn't really hoppin with the young crowd so we went to Copperfields where I saw a ton of people from my HS class. It was kinda late in the night by this time and the bar closed at one so I just went home and got online. I ended up having a long conversation with Pat in which he got my phone # and gave me his so that was cool. He also said we should go out sometime but I didn't really put much stock into that b/c he said he was pretty drunk at the time he was talking to me.

Saturday after Joe got outta work we went to the bars again. Well we kinda mostly stayed at Copperfields but went to Parker's and Wylie J's a little bit just to see who was there. Just about EVERYONE from my HS class was in Copperfields on saturday. Joe and Sue were kinda uncomfortable and didn't want to see them but I was having a great time. I loved talking to people I hadn't seen in forever. It was a bad night though b/c me, Joe, and Sue all ended up pissed at each other. I wanted to stay in copperfields so I got mad. Joe was mad at me b/c I spied Eric Ninestine at the bar and told Joe he was there. And since Joe is always 38645 times overprotective he got annoyed and left. Sue was mad at Joe b/c he was shouting stuff like always. I ended up not even talking to Eric b/c he disappeared, and it was just an all around retarded night.

Monday I talked to Pat online again. He said he remembered the conversation and he was gonna call me the next day to set up plans to go to dinner and hang out in Auburn. He DID call, right at 5 when I got out of work, and we made plans to go to dinner wednesday at this place called Michaels at 7, then hang out after.

Wednesday I went to Auburn, found his house (after calling to make sure where it was) and we went to dinner. It was a really nice place, a really cute little Italian restaurant. I didn't have a big appetite for SOME reason, but I still really enjoyed what I ate. After dinner he gave me a little tour of Auburn, since I've never been there. Then we went back to his house to watch Caddyshack. I got to meet his mom, she was really nice and cool to talk to. There was also a huge thunderstorm while I was there and the power went out for a minute. It would have been kinda fun if it had stayed out (hehe). Like 4 of his friends randomly showed up late and I didn't really get a chance to talk to them but they seemed like cool guys. I ended up staying there til one, then I really had to go to get some kind of sleep for working at 8 the next morning. So I left, and the FIRST song I heard on the radio when I was pulling away was Moondance by Van Morrison. I was like "FUCK" b/c that's one of his favorite singers. I probably shouldn't have gone there b/c now I'm just gonna miss him more, especially since we're forever unlabeled. Oh well, whatever.

So work this week was sooooo fun. It's great to actually work with guys for a change instead of girls. I worked with 3 guys for 8 hours a day, for the whole week. It was AWESOME. I got to listen to these 2 guys, Adam and Sean, argue, make funny comments, and just be completely entertaining. They're best friends from Seneca Falls and they're both a year younger than me. Adam talks NONSTOP about everything, and Sean is a little quieter but really funny.

I was talking to them the other day about what my type of guy is. They decided to think about who would be perfect for me out of their friends (they both have girlfriends already). They decided they wanted to hook me up with their friend Vince. I have no idea who this guy is, but apparently I'd like him b/c he's full Italian, dark hair, and on the short side. This was on tuesday, and I said "well I'll have to see how my date tomorrow goes first." They were both like "aww man we're gonna sabotage it!! We're gonna go to the restaurant and ruin your date, it'll be just like The Cable Guy!" So now they intend on me meeting this kid sometime whether I want to or not. I won't get to work with them all the time though, they're on the floor above me and work for different people. My supervisor needed help this week b/c Bill and Holly were both on vacation all week and we needed extra people.

Okay I'm really tired and I still haven't caught up on the sleep I was deprived of on wedesday, so I'm gonna finish this long ass entry right now.
:: Erica 12:21 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 17, 2002 ::
I forgot to mention that last thursday I went to see Natalie Merchant FOR FREE b/c Sue works at the Ramada and scored tickets for us from the band itself. The people we were sitting next to were on extacy...yeah can't spell that word....so they were being all weird and funny. It was great.

Saturday night me and Sue went to Gabe and Justin's again. This time it was just me and her and Gabe and Justin. It was still fun, as always, and I got invited to go to Darien Lake for Gabe's b-day! I also didn't have to wake up early the next day FOR ONCE. Last night me and Sue went out to the movies with Justin. We saw The Sum of All Fears which I didn't really want to see but it ended up being a good movie. I didn't want to see The Bourne Identity before that but I got roped into that one too. Sheeesh. And I ended up seeing John Kinnan at the movie theatre which was REALLY weird b/c I had 2 dreams about him like a week ago that seemed to have come from nowhere. (I haven't seen the guy in a year)

:: Erica 11:45 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 15, 2002 ::
Well the annual rugby party/alumni game was today. I got to go for about 3 hours, then I had to work. It was kinda funny seeing the guy that I hooked up with at the bar last summer when I went out with the team. I know he doesn't remember me though so it's all good. My brother actually played today, I thought he was gonna get scared and not play. He didn't get hurt which is good since he weighs like 2 pounds. Another guy got his head cut open and was bleeding all over the place.

Oh yeah and the FIRST person I saw when I got to the game?? Of course it's the guy that I was buddies with when I was like 5 and then later I developed a huge crush on him. I hadn't seen him in at least 2 years, if not more. His name is Eric Ninestine and he is still adorable. He was all by himself for most of the game/party, or he was just talking to his dad and I wanted to talk to him soooo bad but I didn't get the courage to. He's kinda a quiet guy and I have trouble initiating things with the quiet ones. But he knew I used to like him and I dont' think he reciprocated it so I felt stupid trying to talk to him anyway. He ate dinner by himself though and it took all of my willpower not to go over there and eat with him. The only time I got to talk to him was when he was with his dad and I was with my mom and we all were talking together. I probably wont' see him for another 2 years so I should have talked to him at least a little bit, but oh well.

And I just found out my dad was married before to an ecuadorian woman to keep her in the country!!??? My family is officially nuts.
:: Erica 8:30 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 13, 2002 ::
The first softball game went pretty well. I hit 3 times but only got on base one of those times. The other ones were a long fly to center field and a hit right up the middle that the pitcher reached up and caught (dammit). I played 1st b/c Sue's shoulder was hurting her. I didn't have many problems there and it was fun. Our team lost, but we held them for awhile.

Later tuesday night I went to Friendly's with Sue, Joe, Chris O and Danielle. As we were leaving I saw someone that looked very familiar. I stared at him for a few seconds, then was like "....Nick?" Sure enough, it was Nick Cemoni. Him and his brothers used to live next to me and we hung out all summer every summer before we got licenses. They moved away last summer and I hadn't seen Nick after that. It was good to see him tuesday and he hugged me which was great since...oh yeah....I used to have a huge crush on him for like 3 years but ended up going out with his brother b/c Nick is a plaaaaaaya. But anyway, as I was talking to him, my friends thought it would be funny to DRIVE AWAY and leave me there. Bastards....

Aaaaand I got a new job! Instead of Ports hell, I get waking up at 6:30 every morning hell. But that's okay b/c my new job is at the experiment station, it pays more than ports, and I work 40 hours a week, AND I work outside so I can get a huge tan. But my hours are every weekday 8-5 which sucks for my partying which I tend to do on weekday nights. But I get all weekends off so that's cool.
:: Erica 3:46 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 10, 2002 ::
Hmmm lets see....thursday was supposed to be my 1st softball game, but it rained a lot the night before so that was cancelled. So tomorrow is our real 1st game and I'm very excited.

Friday I did end up going to Gabe and Justin's again. It was Tom's going away party. He bought a case of Coronas which was great b/c I looooove Coronas. Travis and Twan were there again, it was less weird this time b/c I figured they would be there. We played asshole and kings, hung out, whatever. I had a good time. I had a wedding to go to saturday morning, but I didn't get ANY sleep at their place. I was kinda trying to sleep but James and Sue were sleeping around me and we all ended up talking about stuff and not sleeping. Then when I finally WAS sleeping, Justin, Lyndsey, Tom, and Steph came out of Justin's room and just started talking all around us. So I went home, fell asleep at 7, woke up at 10, and went to my cousin's wedding.

The wedding was great. It must have been soooo expensive. For example, the wedding cake had a WATERFALL in it. It was spectacular. I found out that one of my other cousins is getting married in October, so that makes 3 cousins on that side of the family getting married in a row. It kind of makes me depressed that they're all my age or around it (one is even 19) and getting married and I haven't even found a decent man yet. But it's okay, I'm in no hurry.

:: Erica 1:01 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 06, 2002 ::
Sue is insane....she keeps calling 98pxy to talk to the dj and it's hilarious. She's called 2x already. I think she's trying to call 107.9, 93Q, and the nerve too. She's obsessed with the new Creed song and just keeps asking everyone to play it.

Me and Joe watched "Life as a House" last night. It was REALLY good. Maybe half of why it was good was b/c Hayden Christiansen is so hot in it and of course I love those rebels. Kevin Kline does a really good job in it too, and I couldn't stop thinking about it after I watched it.

Tom came to hang out with me on monday. He's moving to NYC soon and we never get to hang out really anyway so it was fun. We went to Friendly's and to my house where he fixed my computer. THANKS!! Then Gabe called and said we could go over there so we went at like 10:30 to party it up there. There was this girl at their apartment and Travis called her like right when I got there and I was like "TRAVIS MOLL??" She nodded and gave me the phone so I was like "Travis?? This is Erica!" He's like "yo what are you doing there?" and he ended up coming over with his friend to hang out. It was weird b/c it was like...school and non school but it was still cool. Sue came when she got outta work, and this guy James that I knew and talked to in high school was there too. It was really fun, except that I AM NOT NEIL YOUNG you crazy people (Justin!). I didn't get any sleep like always, but it's okay. I think we're going back there friday.
:: Erica 1:08 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 03, 2002 ::
Eric Ralston and weird kid that me and Joe see all the time are going DOWN!! Joe, Sue, and I got into a food fight with the Friendly's workers tonight. It ended up with Joe getting rainbow sprinkles all over him and in his food. I have no idea how it started but it was funny as hell.

THEN we drive by Parkers not once, not twice, but SIX times trying to see if this guy was someone Sue knew. It ended up not being him but the guys that were out there knew our car by the sixth time we drove by and were whistling at us. Sue actually got out and talked to them, it was hilarious.

Okay time for bed....g'night!
:: Erica 3:08 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 02, 2002 ::
I spell everything right all the time and I spell one long word wrong and get yelled at for it, sheeeesh.

So yeah thursday night was pretty fun. Well first during the day I went to the mall with Joe and met Angela there. Bought some sexy shirts and some shorts too. I also got the new Eminem cd, it's great. I doubt I'll like it as much as the last one, but the fact that he says "Erica loves my shit" about 10 times in White America just makes it a great cd. I got back from the mall and Sue wanted to hang out so we went to Gabe and Justin's apt (friends of hers) and hung out with them. We had some tickle wars and Justin bit a hole in the mattress me and Sue were supposed to be sleeping on....just normal hanging out stuff...lol.

Well we didn't fall asleep til 5 in the morning and I had to wake up at 9 (they live in canadaigua/farmington) to go to work so I was REALLY tired and didn't go out last night. Plus I wanted to rest up b/c today I had to work from 12-10 with only a 10 minute break. It wasn't bad actually b/c it was busy so I had no time to think about how long I"d been there. My feet really hurt after about 8 hours though. Tonight I wanted to go out but when I got home I realized that I was in a bad mood and plus I got home at 10 and everyone was out doing whatever already. I got invited to a party but I didn't really feel like going (sorry Andy) so I guess i"m just gonna finish this and go to bed. (dooooork)

Oh the movie "From Hell"....yeah very confusing (let's put a bunch of english guys that look exactly like each other in a movie) and I did NOT like the ending. But other than that it was okay......

:: Erica 12:35 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 01, 2002 ::
I hate people who can't spell "incompetent" right!!! Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!
:: Joseph 12:00 AM [+] ::

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