:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Thursday, April 25, 2002 ::

Can we say GOOD DAY??!!

1) I got into the film class that I wanted to get into, it's like a film history class or something
2) I had a good day of classes, no work, and got to hear a talk about an actress

And the best one....

3) I was sitting out in the hall reading and Pat (I can name him now) was out there studying. First he was sitting at the long table and I was in the comfy chairs. Then he randomly moved over to the chairs with me. THEN he said "fuck this" about studying so I thought he was just gonna go back in his room....oh no something even better. He came out like 5 minutes later with a guitar. He then proceeded to sit next to me and play things for me. Not just play things, play them FOR ME. He started playing "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias and he was singing too.....until Sara came out of our room b/c she had to ask me something. We both snapped our heads up at her and she's like "Umm am I interrupting something?" He was like "I was just serenading her...." AWWW how cute is that? Then I said "I really should teach you a piano song some time" He goes "Yeah we'll do it sunday." But I didn' t know if he said "someday" or "sunday" so I asked him. He definitely said sunday. That would be so cool if he remembered about it, b/c that means he really cares. So I was thinking, would a guy bring out a guitar and start singing "Hero" to me if he wasn't interested? I would appreciate any comments on this, thanks and bye!
:: Erica 8:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 ::
I just realized that I only write in here after weekends and don't really talk about anything else. But I don't do much on weekdays besides contribute to the "hallcest" phenomenon as Travis likes to call it, and I dont want to dwell on that so I'll just write about fun adventures that I have.

So with that in mind....this was one of the most fun weekends of my life. Friday wasn't so cool at first because I kinda thought I was superwoman on rollerblades and went flying down a hill. Yeah so I totally wiped out and cut open both palms, the back of my right leg, and both sides of my ass....that sucked but it looked funny to my friends so it wasn't all in vain.

Then after I got cleaned up and persuaded my suitemates not to take me to the health center, we went to see Travis' band play and guys eat mayonaise covered butter sticks. Brad's band played too. He lives in the B section of my building and he's hilarious on stage but totally shy when I hang out with him....weird. Travis and Rich played really well though, they sounded Weezer-ish. After that I went to a party at Goo's townhouse. I had gone to see his improv show earlier in the day and it was soooo funny. The people in the improv show were at his party so I got to actually meet them and tell them that they were hilarious. The guy that I have a sorta half the time crush on, Mike Curasi, (I like him when I see him) came after I left so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.....

OMG okay that was creepy I'm sitting in the office right now and Mike JUST as I was writing about him came in and talked to me....wow that was weird. I erased his name really quick b/c I thought he might see it. He was kinda flirty too...hmmm.....ANYWAY so I played asshole at the party for a little bit but the beer ran out so I went back to the dorm at like 1. Little did I know that the same night a guy that lived upstairs from me last year would die....I still can't think about that b/c it's really sad and the campus is overall depressed now.

So the next day I woke up really early and went to Sjene/Karrie's house to get ready to go to Canada. We finally left at like 3 something to go to Niagara Falls. We got there, checked into our hotel (which was pretty nice for 40 dollars), met the potheaded boys in the room next to us, ("Hey you girls wanna burn?" "Umm nooo....") and went to the Casino. I lost 10 dollars, unlike last time when I won like 50.

Then we went to eat, and went to meet the guys at their hotel room (the guys I met at Sjene's party the last weekend). Joe, Mark, Brian, and someone new that I hadn't met before, Colin, were there. They were already drinking, and they offered us some beer so I had some. Then they somehow persuaded us to go with them to a female strip club. Yeah....that's right. So we made a quick stop at a liquor store to get some more beer and to get Sjene some Bacardi, then we were on our way to the strip club.

We got there, and apparently Colin thought I was somethin special b/c he bought me a Corona (my favorite beer). We made fun of the naked girls for a little bit, then decided we REALLY needed to leave. So we went to a MALE strip club. Oh god was that a fun time, it was way more cool than I ever thought it would be. After that we met back up with the guys at Rumors, a dance club. By that time I was buying my 5th beer of the night and for me that is A LOT. Colin offered to buy me another Corona but I felt bad b/c he obviously liked me and I kinda obviously liked his friend Mark. So I bought my own beer and was just kinda dancing in a circle with everyone. (Mark wasn't there at that time) Suddenly Colin grabbed me to dance and I ended up dancing with him for like every song after that.

While this was going on, Colin was joking with me to dance with these guys that looked really antisocial and were dancing by themselves. He's like "c'mon go dance with the shortest one" so I started looking at them b/c he was talking about them. All of a sudden the "shortest one" randomly rammed his shoulder into Colin. We stopped dancing and Colin was like "Did he just push me??" So me being smart I was like "yeah he did". Colin started talking to the kid asking what the hell it was all about, but he couldn't really hear what the guy was saying. So then Mark shows up and gets into it. Mark for some reason loves to be in the middle of fights, and he went RIGHT up to the kid and started talking up in his face. Me and Colin couldn't really do anything about it so we just started dancing again. We saw them like 5 minutes later laughing and joking, so we were like "okaaay...." and kept on dancing.

While we were dancing, another fight was happening. Mark stopped fighting with those other guys b/c apparently he became friends with them instead of fighting them. I don't know the whole story about this, but I guess some bald guy started shit with Joe, who seems like a really nice peaceful guy, so Mark went over there and tried to get into that. They actually did almost start fighting, but I think it was the end of the night and someone else started fighting and got the police involved so Mark's fight ended. But me and Colin had no idea about the 2nd altercation b/c we were just dancing and not paying attention.

So after that we all went back to our hotel room and talked til like 4 in the morning. Mark told the fighting story about 286498 times and added guys that he was fighting each time he told it, so that was amusing. Then we all got tired and the guys left. We went back the next morning and that was it. But it was great while it lasted.
:: Erica 12:48 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 18, 2002 ::
Looks like it's down to either scenerio one or three.....maybe I should stop turning him down when he asks me to do stuff, eh?
:: Erica 3:58 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 ::
It's been awhile folks....let's see what I've got to say.

Friday I had some interesting adventures. I was supposed to go to a party that Sjene and Karrie were having in Greece. I was gonna drive there and bring Raghu. So I went to start my car and it would sound like it started, and then just quit. So Goo was waiting outside for me to pick him up, and I ran over there to tell him what happened. I thought I needed a jump, so I first tried to ask the guys I live next to. I walked in their room....tv blasting but nobody there. Next we went to the girls I live next to. Those bitches just didn't WANT to help. So we went downstairs to find Tim (my hot RA). He is the nicest person ever, and before I had even gotten my whole car problem out to him, he said "yeah lemme just get my keys". So he was gonna jump it, but he noticed it didn't need to be jumped. Apparently it's some carborator problem and my car wasn't about to go anywhere. None of my suitemates that had cars were home, so we had to resort to calling Sjene to come pick us up. That crazy lady drives like 100 on 390 so we knew we would still be on time (to pick up the keg). I went back to Goo's townhouse with him and met the people he lives with. One, "the amazing Jonathan", is a magician. Like a real magician. He performs all over the place and told me about meeting all these celebrities. He works at New Line too and met Adam Sandler there. He was fun to talk to, but he could talk foreeeeeever. So Sjene arrived and we finally got to her house. It was a really fun party, I didn't drink much, but I didn't really want to. It was great just meeting all these fun people and playing games. Oh she got me a 6 pack of Coronas and some limes for my birthday too (well with Goo's help). Thanks guys!!!!!

The rest of the weekend pretty much sucked horribly. I had a 10 page paper due tuesday that I had the wrong references for, so I didn't get to start it until monday, and then I was at my computer from 1 til 11 (yes 10 hours). Also sunday I had to study for a big test I had monday so I couldn't really start the paper then either. The one good thing about sunday was that I had to study, so I was out in the quad for a long time. "Someone" (I still shouldn't reveal his name) was out there as well, and we kinda sorta...bonded? So now we have something odd going on...and there could only be 3 possibilities: 1) He knows I like him and he's messin with me 2) He doesn't know I like him and he likes me back or 3) He knows I like him and he likes me back. I like the last possibility the best, but I think the most accurate is probably the first one. Saturday night I was having a GREAT phone conversation with joe at like 1 in the morning, and he came home from the bar. He invited me over to watch a movie. I told him I would go, and I was gonna go, but I ended up talking to Joe like forever that night. THEN, last night I was just in my room minding my own business and he pounded on something in the quad really loud and threw an empty bottle in the suite. I went out and was like "what are you doing?" so he said "I wanted to get your attention". SOMETHING is up and I want to find out what it is before I go crazy.

Okay enough about that.....this weekend is gonna be really fun, and I'll just leave it at that for right now. I need to go out and lay in the sun anyway.
:: Erica 12:55 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 14, 2002 ::
i love drunken telephone conversations with erica at 2 in the morning. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

(only when i'm drunk tho.....she's an annoying drunk)
:: Joseph 8:31 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 ::
Let me just say that Death to Smoochy is one of the funniest dark comedies ever. My favorite kind of movie is dark comedy, but this was just AWESOME. I went to see it friday with Maura and Angela, and they didn't know if they would really like it. I thought I would like it but I wasn't sure. But when we got out of the theatre, we couldn't stop talking about it. We wanted to go back to see it the next night it was so great. So now I'm promoting it heavily. I hope part of the reason that I liked it so much isn't b/c I have a huge thing for Ed Norton...hmmm...and for all you pot smokers out there, I would consider not getting high before seeing this movie b/c it is so visually fucked up you wouldn't need to.

And one more thing, thanks for coming saturday Tommy! I know it was a long drive but it was fun to finally hang out with you. And I'm gonna have to brush up on my bowling, judging by that game.

Okay so this girl in the office is staring me down b/c she wants to use the computer so that's it for now.....

:: Erica 12:55 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, April 05, 2002 ::
I have reached the age of 20. I'm not a teenager, yet I can't drink yet...this sucks! No actually I had a GREAT birthday, one of the best ever. I had a normal day, then went out to dinner at Houlihan's in Victor. Angie, Chris, Kris, Dave, and Joe came and I brought Sara, Sarah, and Angela. I was really surprised to see Joe there, I had no idea that he was gonna come. I didn't get to talk to him too much, but it was still awesome that he came. Thanks Joe! I must be so out of it b/c my friends planned all my surprises practically right in front of me and I never caught them. They were "talking" about desserts that they would like and I was like "oooh that strawberry cheesecake looks good". So what happens when I get done with my dinner? The waiter comes over and says "Happy birthday!" and gives me a huge piece of cheesecake. It was so cool.

Oh and that's not all....after dinner we picked up John and then went back to the room. My suitemates were like "Okay Erica pick out a movie to watch for your birthday." So we started watching a movie, and halfway through, ALL my friends except John and Angela left. I was like "hmm". I knew something was going on out in the hall b/c they all went out there, but they wouldn't let me leave so I had no idea what was out there. So finally after like an hour they came in and told me to go to the laundry room. Pat was sitting out at the table in the quad trying to read and he thought we were all drunk but then he FINALLY figured out that it was my birthday. I heard him yelling happy birthday to me as I opened the door to the laundry room. Everyone was in there with party hats on. The room had streamers and balloons alllllll over it. I was in the middle of saying "this is so cute..." when BAM! I get hit in the face with A PIE. Then 2 more come flying at me. THEN they all decided to hit me with silly string. The place was a total mess. There was pie COVERING me, on the floor, on everyone else (I decided to get some people back) and silly string all over as well. Pat had in the mean time called some of his other suitemates out to gawk at me, and they sat around watching me get covered in pie and silly string like it was a movie. And OF COURSE my incredibly hot RA came around right at that exact moment as well. He looked at me like I was crazy, said "Happy birthday Erica", and gave me a lindt candy. Then he basically told us we had an hour to clean up the place. I took a shower, they cleaned up, and we went inside and finished the movie.

Even though I was really embarrassed, it was really funny and I love my friends so much for going through all that trouble for me. Thanks guys for a GREAT birthday!!!!
:: Erica 1:06 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 04, 2002 ::
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:: Joseph 12:48 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 ::
I'm baaaaaaaaaaack and better than ever! Or more tired than ever and it's only 10:30!! My roomate is already in bed so I can't write much for now....though she isn't actually going to sleep and keeps singing random things. Hmmm and she thinks I'm going to rape her....ANYWAY on to better things.

I'm back from Boston, it was great. The city was like a big city that wasn't crowded at all so it was like OUR big city. The T wasn't even half as bad as NYC and the restaurants were awesome. Maura's boyfriend/ex boyfriend/whoever he is showed us around Boston College where he goes to school. I met some cool people and the buildings were really nice. We went to Harvard too and pretended like we were smart. But a weird guy hit on us by saying "What kinda gum you girls chewin?" so we ran away fast. I bought an 80 dollar bathing suit at Macy's...it was worth it. Hmm there were more highlights but I am getting forgetful in my tired state.

So I got back on friday and hung out with Angie, who spent the night at my house for the weekend b/c her house is now in Michigan. We went to see Andy, Matt, Chris, Mike, Art....etc and then headed over to Chris Campbell's house. We watched The Fast and the Furious which was waaaaaay better than I thought it would be and Vin Diesel was damn hot. Saturday Angie threw me an impromptu birthday party and Shane made me a Carvel cake. Dave came too which was a 45 minute drive so it was awesome that he was there. Sunday I went to my grandparent's for dinner and Angie came with me. I got to see Lauren too! (who wants another shout out in here so here ya go girl)

Yeah and what do I do the frikken day I come back to school? Hit on possible crush next door some more. Grrr I'm so stupid I should leave these people alone. But he told me he liked my haircut like 39 times...I couldn't just NOT talk to him. Oh well, g'night
:: Erica 10:37 PM [+] ::

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