:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 ::

Erica's in Boston and Connect-i-cut..........lucky
:: Joseph 9:08 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, March 25, 2002 ::
Yeah, let's not forget that Angelina Jolie and her lips were in the movie....she was the best part of the whole thing. =)
:: Joseph 10:50 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, March 23, 2002 ::
Hellooooooo people! I'm at Joe's right now, and we just finished watching the movie Playing By Heart....pretty good but not like AWESOME. But it DID have some hot people in it. Ryan Phillipe is hot if he doesn't open his mouth, and Jon Stewart is just hot anyway. I love movies that have a lot of different characters so it was cool. Joe is reading this over my shoulder....

Last night I went with Joe to the play of Fame that GHS put on. I luckily didn't see Nate there.....but happily got to see his new girlfriend act in the play. It was pretty good overall though, makes me want to be an actress again. Today I went to the mall and got a REALLY short haircut. It's scaring me right now but hopefully it'll die down. Joe is making fun of what I write and I have to help him with a script so I'm gonna go now.....
:: Erica 10:36 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 ::
Two more days til spring break!! I'm coming home for a couple days, then off to the tropical paradise of Boston. The funny thing is that I think the guys next door (at least one of them) is going to Boston too. Okay so Boston is huge and I probably won't see them...but it's still kinda funny. The thing I'm excited for the most in Boston is the aquarium....that makes me a big dork but I do love sharks.

Hmm.....I took the most fun mid term ever today. I played my piano pieces and Dr. Stanley made fun of me....but then gave me a 96! Then I taught her how to play the cup game and she told me about her father making her eat shark. It's so weird when your professors become your friends, but awesome too.

And a note to Joe.....sorry bud, you know I love ya but we have to have a little chat sometime instead of just fighting about this thing. You're not wrong, but you're not right either, and you have to consider my feelings too.
:: Erica 4:38 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 17, 2002 ::
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm in no way Irish but it's still a pretty cool day, and a nice excuse for America to get drunk. I'm just bitter b/c I'm not drinking and I'm just gonna write a paper instead.

I'm really not in the mood to write a huge story in here, but maybe I'll just list highlights of the weekend.

-Friday- Sara's friends and our friend John came over.....Lee is SO HILARIOUS and I ended up showing him a tape of Alias b/c I'm convinced he looks like Vaughn from that show. I also ended up staying up til 4 talking to John. We must have been delirious b/c we talked about ceiling tiles for like a half hour. (170.5!) Maura came out of her room at 3 to go to the bathroom and me and John were just like...almost sleeping on the floor of the common room. She's like "it just took me the longest time to figure out if you guys were real or not" John slept over and used a beanbag chair for a blanket....hmm probably could have been nice and gave him something to sleep on. Oops.
-Saturday- Not a really exciting day. I wanted to start my Humn paper so I was just kinda sitting around doing work. Sjene randomly stopped by for like a half hour though!! I totally didn't expect her to come and it was awesome. I also watched Swordfish (again) and I can NOT get over how fucking incredibly hot Hugh Jackman is. I taped it (it was on tv) and then went online searching for desktop pics of him. Yes I am a huge dork.
-Today- I slept 11 hours last night!!! That made me soooo mad b/c I wanted to get up early and get some shit done. Oh well....not much going on today, but I'm looking forward to Alias tonight!
:: Erica 1:43 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 ::
Erica laughed and stared at me when i ate a banana at breakfast the other morning. What a perv!
:: Joseph 9:47 PM [+] ::
Sorry for not writing (JOE) but I've been a little busy. I don't really even need to rehash my weekend b/c Joe pretty much sums it up in his blog. So you curious people that love to know what my life is like, if you REALLY want to know what I did just go to Joe's blog (poshconfusions) on the side of the screen.

Other than that I just have to ask....is it a bad thing if I have developed a crush on one of Travis' suitemates? Umm yeah probably. Can I stop it? Nope :( It sucks b/c he's the one that was around the most when me and Travis were like....almost together or whatever the fuck we were. So I doubt he'd even think to like me at all. I guess I'll just have to leave this one alone....
:: Erica 4:53 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 10, 2002 ::
yeah ok erica, don't talk about our weekend or anything......

no good rhyming bitch!
:: Joseph 10:31 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 ::
I just want to say that I love living across from 8 guys, especially when most of them are hilariously funny. I'm really gonna miss them next year.

And Joe is FINALLY coming to visit this semester...only took him 2 months. But anyway he's coming on friday and Deanna's coming too so it'll be fun.

Oh just an interesting side note....the professor that is the best one in the whole world that I praised so much in some earlier blog? Yeah I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian...just found that one out. Eh, whatever floats her boat, she's still awesome as hell.
:: Erica 2:01 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, March 04, 2002 ::
Okay after getting over the utter annoyance of my blog totally disappearing on me...I'm ready to write again.

So, as I was saying...this weekend my friends Angie, Sue, and Chris came to stay with me. Justin and Josh, 2 guys that I talk to online a lot, came from Cortland to visit me and my suitemates also. Angie, Sue, and Chris wanted to go out friday night, and Justin and Josh decided to go with us too. Travis found out that Omegas was open, so we went there. We had fun drinking and dancing....well most of us were drinking and dancing. Travis wasn't drinking because he wanted to leave early, and Justin and Chris weren't dancing b/c they were playing beer pong for most of the night.

While this was going on, I noticed some guy looking at me about every 2 seconds. Usually I'm just paranoid about people looking at me, but this guy was definitely staring. He was also definitely REALLY HOT so I was intrigued. He was with these guys that were having pics taken of their abs earlier. They were really obviously into themselves. So after a round of random glances between me and "hot guy", he came over with his friends to talk to our group. This is when I noticed that he was like...tv show hot (I won't go all the way to movie star hot). His friends were really wasted and told us to touch their abs about 500 times. One had a major 6 pack though.

The keg at Omegas was kicked, so our 2 groups (the 6 of us and the 4 guys) decided to try to find another frat. Hot guy (I didn't know his name yet) wanted to give me a piggyback ride. I hopped on his back, but with both of us slightly intoxicated and my jeans riding low, I decided that wasn't the best idea and got down. So I walked with him and found out that his name was Brian. He told me he was from NYC but that was an obvious lie, especially since he was with people wearing Alfred shirts and he said he knew Tyler, a guy from my high school that goes to Alfred. Anyway, to make a long story short(er), he just wanted to get into my pants. We walked around trying to find another frat for awhile, but there weren't any open so the guys invited us back to where they were staying *wink wink*, but not being whore-ish, we just went back to the dorm.

On a side note...sometimes I wish I could do that. Be one of those girls that I see on tv that go have a great one night stand that means nothing. I porbably could do that...but then my morals kick in and I know it wouldn't happen. It's just easier to think about it when a guy that could be an Abercrombie model wants you...but alas, I'm a clean girl. (And I dont' want ANY comments from you people)

So anyway we went back and hung out til like 3 or 4. Travis came back over and hung out for awhile so we jammed like 10 people in one room. Saturday we went to see The Royal Tenenbaums (AWESOME movie) and ate dinner in Rochester. Chris and Angie went back (tear) and Sue had already left that morning. So the rest of saturday and sunday we just hung out with Justin and Josh. We didn't get up and around til like 2 sunday so we ate breakfast at like 4 and the guys left to go back to school after that.

Today kinda sucked b/c I had 2 classes cancelled, the 3rd was absoultely pointless, and I didn't have to work. I could have just stayed in my room and slept all day...actually maybe I'll just take a nap now. G'night folks, and thanks for listening.
:: Erica 6:27 PM [+] ::
Ahhhhhh I'm gonna cry!!! I'm at work and I just wrote this REALLY long blog about what happened this weekend and it all got erased when I accidentally hit "clear" instead of backspace on this stupid Mac my boss has. I'm gonna go back to the room and post it again later but THIS SUCKS b/c I already wrote like the whooooole thing. Arrrrrgh!!!
:: Erica 1:13 PM [+] ::

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