:: crazy/beautiful ::

The ramblings of best friends, Erica (crazy AND beautiful) and Joe (just beautiful..or so he thinks)
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:: Thursday, September 26, 2002 ::

I'm outta here, I dont' know what's wrong with this but I'm startin a new one
:: Erica 5:52 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 16, 2002 ::
Well the stuff I'm writing isn't posting b/c of some error on the blogger site, but I'm gonna keep writing stuff anyway.

I don't usually write my dreams in here....I don't think I ever have for that matter. But I had really weird dreams last night and I just feel like sharing. Actually in the past most of my dreams have been really really odd, but this past year they've been considerably less. Anyway, last night I dreamt that this guy was taking over the school and I was supposed to stop him. I had these little robotic devices in my hand that looked like cat heads kinda and I was supposed to use them but I didn't know what for. Then the scene changed and I was again with this guy but he was kinda good this time and he might have actually been Pat but I couldn't really see what he looked like. Me and him were outside somewhere and I saw a kangaroo. I thought it was really cute but then it turned into a wallaby and tried to attack us. So we flew up to a rocky ledge that I almost fell off of but he helped me stay on it and we hid from the thing. It still found a way up to the ledge but the Pat kinda guy had special powers (that's how we flew) and I wasn't scared.

The weird part of the dream was that my little brother was on another rocky ledge kinda on the side of us. I looked at him and he was just sitting there with a skateboard on his lap. He had a little sheepish smile on his face and he was just...sitting. I thought something was wrong so I went over to him and lifted the skateboard. One of his legs was cut off and just sitting there under the board. He didn't seem in pain or anything, just kinda confused. It was really sad and I almost cried when I woke up.

The other thing I was gonna say is that I saw my friend Dave from high school today. It is the first time I saw him on campus since he got here this year and it made me really happy. I don't think people that go to college with other people from their class (ahhhemmm Naz people) realize how cool it is to FINALLY see someone else from your graduating class on campus after 2 years of no trace of home at school. I don't know if that makes sense but it's okay, at least I know what I'm talking about.
:: Erica 3:14 PM [+] ::
So....let's see....this weekend WAS fun, but it also involved much drama.

Thursday was mine and Pat's 2 month, but we didn't celebrate til friday. So I wanted to get all the girls together to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding which I already had seen but I wanted them to see it. Sara and Sarah ended up not going, but everyone else came. They all loved it, so I was happy. Pat came over drunk again that night, so that makes 2x in one week. I never mind when he does that, but apparently phone calls at 2 in the morning are getting a little annoying for my roommate.

Friday I had to go to a mentor party at the Edgars' house (the professors that started the mentor and honors program at our school). It was pretty fun, I got to meet people that Maura has been talking about for awhile. Mary and Kyle were the people we rode with and talked to the most, and they are sooooo nice. I got back from that thing at like 7:30 and went right to Pat's house. He gave me a rose and a poster and they both were beautiful. I got him Reservoir Dogs the special edition. We walked up to main street and ate and then went back to his house. We actually watched Reservoir Dogs (it was my 1st time seeing it) and after the movie I was sooooo sleepy so I just went home and went to bed.

Saturday was the beginning of the big blowout. Well the morning was fine. Sara, Maura, Becky and I went to Pat's rugby game at one. He didn't play in the game but it was still really interesting to watch. And apparently when a person has their 1st "try" (scores) they have to run around the field naked. Sooo....Pat's suitemate from last year that I also know pretty well had to do that. It was very amusing.

Okay so after the game Sue was supposed to come for dinner, and earlier in the week Angie said something about coming but I didn't think she really would. Well she said she could come and she was bringing her roommate Kris. I was really happy that everyone was coming but it turned out to be a little problem b/c we were all planning on going to the rugby party that night. Well the rugby party was closed which means whoever is there has to be affiliated with either the rugby team or the sorority that they were partying with. So I was okay b/c I go out with Pat who is on the team, but my friends weren't supposed to be there. Well Angie, Kris, and Sue went anyway b/c they were with me and I wanted Sue to meet one of Pat's friends on the team. But my 5 other suitemates who also wanted to come could definitely not come. They ended up being really hurt because I left them and went with Sue, Angie, and Kris to the party anyway. But I didn't know what else to do. I suggested going to another party with everyone, but my suitemates were like "we don't know any other parties to go to, just go and have fun and we'll talk about it later." So I was like "okay fine" and I went anyway.

We had fun, even though my friends were kinda in trouble for being there. This guy that I know from Geneva that I always pass EVERYWHERE and never say hi to was there and we finally had a whole big conversation about saying hi to each other. We both were a little drunk, but I think the next time we see each other we'll actually acknowledge each other. Of course the guys did the "Father Abraham" song again and got naked. Pat was a good boy though and didn't take his boxers off. Angie got some good naked pics out of that one. Travis randomly came after the party was over and I just kept calling him an asshole which probably isn't good since I have 2 classes with him. But he kept talking about Angie and I was like "stay away from my friends!!" We stopped at some huge party on the way home but that was about it for the night.

So....yesterday morning my suitemates were barely speaking to me. My friends left really early and so there was just....tension. It was horrible. Finally Sara started talking. Apparently it wasn't really the party thing, even though that was the last straw. It was the fact that I'm in that "boyfriend mode" where everything is about Pat. Well obviously everything is about Pat b/c he's all I talk about in this blog. But when I'm in that mind set I don't realize that half the time I'm hurting other people. The first night back to school I spent with Pat. He calls drunk late at night and wakes Sara up and I didn't care. It's just stuff like that that bothers them, and I totally understand what they're talking about. It's so different being outside of a relationship and inside of one. Everything is mostly fine, but it's times when I'm supposed to be doing something with them, and I just ditch them and go with him. It's the "ditching" thing that's really the problem. So from now on, if I have plans with my suitemates, I will hang out with my suitemates. I ended up crying for like a half hour straight so we went to Denny's and ate A LOT. Everything is okay now, but I just kinda have to watch myself and be a bit less self centered.

Like this isn't long enough....I actually have more to write. But lucky for you guys I have to go meet people for lunch so I will continue this later today.
:: Erica 11:46 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 15, 2002 ::
No more drama!!! I'll explain later...
:: Erica 1:49 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 ::
Pat finally broke down and commented on the blog!!
:: Erica 8:42 PM [+] ::
Monday night was another drunken Patrick night. Of course this time he swore that he wasn't coming over when I talked to him earlier that night. Well that was when he was sober. So when he called at 1:40 in the morning I was really out of it and didn't know what was going on. Sara ended up answering the phone and I went and collected him. I was a little annoyed with him b/c usually he tells me when he's coming over, but he didn't this time. Well he came in and said "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, I just really wanted to see you tonight." Of course then I wasn't mad at him at all, I couldn't be.

Yesterday I actually got to talk to Joe on the phone. I think we really miss each other, b/c we keep ending every conversation with "I love you". I still need to talk to the elusive Angie. We IM each other like 2 things and then both have to go. We're two busy people!

I think this weekend is gonna be fun...I can feel it.
:: Erica 11:32 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 09, 2002 ::
Well let's start with last thursday night: Pat did his weekly ritual of coming over totally trashed while I'm sleeping. This time it was 1 instead of 2:30 so that was cool. He said some very interesting things, and I'll leave it at that. He also adamantly believed he could beat me in Mario Kart so at like 1:15 in the morning I break out the game. He was as I said, wasted, so of course I beat him. But just to be fair....he could kick my ass in battle mode when he's sober.

Friday I didn't do much of anything. We went out to eat at pizza hut (me and the girls) and came home. Sara, Sarah, Becky, and Maura left so me and Angela were just like "hmmm okay". Maura came back at like 8 and we went up to downtown and checked out the food scene up there. We came back and invited our friend Johnny over. He came and we watched Leno/Letterman/Conan til I heard a loud knock at the door at 1. Guess who? He was significantly more messed up than thursday night and he somehow convinced me (okay I didnt' need much convincing) to go home with him. On the way back to his house I was kinda leading him back b/c he was walking a little tipsily. We get to the sidewalk in front of his house and there are people milling around in a group. Pat goes up to them and just says "people" like he's a 2 year old that is defining objects. It was the cutest thing. I was like "yes those are people, let's go in your house now." And I pulled him away from the now staring crowd.

Saturday we woke up and went to breakfast on main street....well breakfast at like 1:30. It was very good. Of course I had a bacon and cheese omelet....yeah I'm trying to contribute to my early heart attack. I also FINALLY told Pat about the whole Australia thing. I've been wanting to tell him forever and he says he might be going to Italy over intersession so I thought it was time to bring it up. Of course now I don't even know if I'm gonna make it there in the spring with all the shit that has to get done, but at least it's out there.

All of the afternoon on saturday I felt like a total lazy ass. We all did. The girls and I ended up watching Sorority Life for like....4 hours straight. It was HORRIBLE but I couldn't stop. Damn addicting MTV shows....anyway we were like okay we HAVE to do something productive now. So......we decided to go to Niagara Falls at like 9 at night. We got there at about 11, played the slots at the casino, ate at the hardrock, had a few drinks, and went home. We also got hit on with the stupidest pick up lines EVER. A guy ACTUALLY asked me if it hurt when I fell from heaven. Another guy went the opposite route and just announced that he was horny. We got home that night at around 4 and just totally crashed.

Yesterday we went to the mall and I bought nothing significant. Well I bought a cute necklace that I haven't had a chance to wear yet, and I bought Pat a present. I wasn't even thinking of our 2 month anniversary that's coming up, but I then thought, hey I might as well give it to him then. So now he's gonna buy me something even though he doesn't have to b/c I know that stuff is not his forte. But I also know that I'll love whatever he gets me so it's okay. When I got back from the mall I went to his house and we went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding which actually was funny, despite the presence of Joey Fatone.

Tonight I had my first psyc of women class. It went better than I thought it would, and we watched a very moving video on women in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule. It got me thinking....and this is nothing I want to fight with anyone about, it's just something I was thinking about: I'm one of those people that believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't want to say that the 9/11 thing was at ALL a good thing, but now I think that it might have happened for a reason. Women under taliban rule in Afghanistan were depressed all the time. They were committing suicide using a poison that took 3 days to kill them. A woman was stoned to death for breast feeding her infant on the street. An elderly woman was beaten severely for falling and accidentally showing an ankle. The list goes on and on. Maybe the instant death over here helped to prevent endless torturing over there. Now the Taliban is down and I know there's still fighting and I know there's a ton of things to argue with me about, but....it's just something to think about.

Ummm let's not end on a depressing note....it's a beautiful night outside tonight, everyone should go enjoy it.
:: Erica 9:54 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, September 05, 2002 ::
Last night was the finale of American Idol. I've watched the show from the beginning and the finale incorporated everyone. It was fun to watch. I was soooo happy that Kelly won, she deserved it. Congrats Kelly!

Tom Deluca, this famous hypnotist guy, did his show here last night and Pat was one of the security guys on the stage "b/c they needed a big guy up there, ya know" in his words. I was one of the people picked to be hypnotized last year but it didn't work on me and I went back to my seat. Pat swears it really works though, after seeing it up close like that. I didn't go this year b/c of American Idol, and b/c I went the past 2 years, and it's pretty much the same thing each year.

After the show me and Pat went back to his house and I stayed there. Usually we just sleep like normal people, but lately Pat's been talking in his sleep for some reason and it was really funny last night b/c every time he said something I would wake up b/c I thought he was talking to me. One time he was having a very lucid seeming conversation with me about a yellow coffee cup....of course in the morning we both didn't know what the hell he was talking about. I ended up having really weird dreams about little people too.

And people are stealing lap-tops in my dorm...they better stay the hell out of my room.
:: Erica 6:04 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 ::
Hmmm so last week was interesting.

Thursday was uneventful except that I got reintroduced to what went on last year. I was asleep but I KNEW Pat was gonna come over drunk...possibly b/c he said he probably would. So I was sleeping with the phone near my bed, and sure enough, he called at 2:30 in the morning. He was outside and had some girls let him in the building. He came up and was being really funny. He actually didn't wake up any of my suitemates either, so that's a plus. Even though he woke me up for an hour in the middle of the night when I had class the next morning it was okay b/c it was nice to see him, even drunk off his ass.

Friday we went out for a very late birthday for Maura. (Her birthday is August 10th) We went to Tully's in Rochester and it was fun...except I thought I was gonna die from a heart attack. I ate smothered cheese fries and a HUGE grilled cheese and bacon sandwich. It's so odd that I'm underweight, I must be the queen of quick metabolism. Anyway...before people start beating me up...we went to the mall after dinner. I didn't really buy much but hey, it's the mall, it's still fun. Pat called while I was there and asked me what I was buying him....yeaaaaaah. We were gonna go to the movies and watch Road to Perdition but I guess the girls were tired so we just went back to the room. Me and Maura stayed up for a little while and then just went to bed. Pat did NOT come over this time.

Saturday I was SO lazy....wait actually the whole weekend I was very lazy. But saturday all of us were lazy. We just sat around watching movies for like the whole day. We watched Pretty in Pink and Cocktail. (Apparently it was 80s weekend) Pat stopped over at like 6 and I had already eaten dinner but I went with him to eat downtown anyway. Then we went to the rugby house to see if the guys were wasted yet. (This was at like 7) They had already finished a bottle and a half of some clear substance. This guy that lived near me freshman year was there and could NOT get my name right. He STILL thinks my name is Victoria. So I call him by the wrong name and don't answer his questions. Anyway, I hung out with them for a little bit (they were being really hilariously funny) and then went back to the room to get Maura and Angela, who were going back there with me for a party that night.

We went back at like 9:30. The guys were having a "nerds and jocks" party, so of course they were all dressed like nerds. Pat had a "rock star" shirt on and was wearing funky glasses when I got there. Some of the guys went all out. Pat decided to put Davey's baseball helmet on and run headfirst into the wall of the house, that was some good entertainment. Other highlights: We almost got sprayed by a skunk on the way there, Travis showed up, I told Davey I loved him randomly, I yelled at this guy to get better self esteem, and oh yeah....rugby guys looooove to get naked, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Sunday Pat had to go home for family stuff so I went back with him and he dropped me off home on his way. I hung out with Joe and his little buddy Mike. Mike was drunk as HELL and would not stop laughing in the back of Joe's car. He ran into bushes and scared cats...it was not a pretty site. We finally took him back home and were gonna watch the 2 movies we rented but we didn't even get through half of one. Good thing I paid 7 dollars for them b/c we got so much use out of them :-P

Yesterday Pat came back to Geneva and we went to my grandparent's house for dinner. It was the typical grandparent's dinner that we always have. I just hope Pat enjoyed it. I'm kinda biased b/c I'm in the family and always have a good time, but I'm glad he came, since every time I go my grandparents ask where he is. Well besides the fact that I'm just glad he came. We went back to Geneseo after dinner and I STILL didn't do any work.

Yeah so today would have been fine (especially since I got a 100 on a quiz I didn't study for at all) except that a paper was due for my psyc of personality class. I totally didn't have it done at all and smart person that I am decided to say "I left it in my room, can I just bring it to your office?" My professor was like "okay just hurry up." Okay....I'll hurry up and write a 2 page paper and bring it back, when I haven't even thought about the topic yet...sure I can do that. Well...it's a damn good thing I can work under pressure b/c I finished it in a half hour and practically ran back to the office. Her TA was there and took my paper for me, not realizing that I just finished it. Hopefully the professor won't catch on either....

Tomorrow I start my piano lessons, yay!
:: Erica 7:02 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 ::
Wow I just looked back to the 1st blogs that me and Joe ever wrote in here, and we both seem so psychotically happy and all about each other in them. Joe, you should read them, they're cute. And then maybe you'll actually stop boycotting this blog!
:: Erica 12:16 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 ::
Well I finally got out of taking Italian. I was gonna take it, but I feel like such a slacker for taking only one 300 level class so I decided to drop it and take psyc of women instead. This means I don't have to wake up at 7:20 in the morning, but it also means that I have to go to a 2 and a half hour class once a week late at night. Oh well, in the long run it will be better.

In other news, my film class seems promising, I have a very dramatic old woman for a teacher but I went to her office and she's a very nice lady. If I feel up to it I might do a film minor, which is kind of a secret that they even offer it here, but she said she'd keep me informed so that's sweet. My psyc of personality class is kinda cool too, I think I'll like it.
:: Erica 6:52 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 25, 2002 ::
Okay so I haven't written in awhile and I am now back at the good ole school of geneseo. I got here yesterday after my great uncle's funeral, and I was so slow unpacking that I didn't finish til today. Well from 8 last night to 12 today I kinda wasn't around to unpack but that's beside the point.

Thursday was my last day of work. My boss told me that I was a really good worker and he'd be happy to have me back to work next year. I got out early too. I'm really gonna miss my cabbages....yeaaaaah.

Thursday night I went to visit Sjene with Angie and Sue. I got to meet her boyfriend and Kar's boyfriend. They're both really cool and nice. Angie and Sue ended up getting extremely trashed and Sue was about as drunk as a person can get. I stopped drinking after 3 beers so I could take care of them, but it was still a good time. All 3 of us slept in a bed at Kar/Sjene's house. There was much drama that night though. Angie, Sue, and I all cried at some point in the night for all different reasons. Pat also called at like 3, and he usually calls late when he's drunk or whatever, but usually he just leaves a message b/c I'm sleeping. Well....I was awake and very drunk, even thought he wasn't really too drunk. It was a funny conversation, even though I kept giving the phone to different people to talk to him. I'm really glad I got to see Sjene and Karrie, I never talk to them anymore and I miss them.

Friday was really hectic. I went to the mall in the morning and bought a ton of cool stuff. I got 3 new pairs of pants, a sweater, a purse, and sneakers. Friday night I had a late dinner with Angie and Sue, then went to walmart and wegmans. I was really stressed out and sad and it wasn't a very good night.

Yesterday I got here at about 1. I was still unpacking at like 5 when Pat came over. He went to the front desk of my dorm and asked them for my phone # and then called up and said he was downstairs. I find that cute, but maybe that's just me. He came up and checked out my room, but then I had to go to dinner with my suitemates so I said I would go to his house later. Oh yeah and his house is like 2 seconds away and able to be seen out my window, so that's cool. So I went to dinner and caught up with my suitemates, then went there. His house is very cool, I'm jealous. Well it's not the best house in the world, especially with guys living there, but I still really like it, it's cozy or something. Anyway, we waited for his 386 freshman girl - friends to get there and then went to the rugby house. He thought he was the man b/c he brought so many girls to the party that at that point consisted of like 2 girls and 5 guys. We ended up leaving and going to the lacrosse house, which was considerably bigger. It was a very fun night, and I got very drunk. We just went back to his house and crashed, and I actually got more sleep last night than I got the 3 previous nights.
This morning I couldn't get my ass out of bed, and almost got caught up watching the whole movie of Dumb and Dumber that he had playing. Finally at like 12 I left and went back.

I was scared that coming to school would be weird for our relationship. We had this whole summer system where we saw each other like 2x a week and that worked well b/c we both were really busy. But here we live not 45 minutes away from each other but 1 minute walking distance and we have to work out a different system. I'm not that girl that wants to see my boyfriend every 2 seconds, and he's not that guy either, so I hope it will be okay. Yesterday was fine b/c we hadn't seen each other in a week and we both really missed each other. I'm sure it will be fine, I'm just rambling to myself really.

Oh yeah and I met most of the neighbors, with the exception of 2 of the girls. They all seem really nice. And unlike most of the quads on campus, we have 2 guy rooms and 2 girl rooms. Okay that's it.
:: Erica 8:50 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 19, 2002 ::
Let me just say that saturday was one of the most fun days/nights of the summer. Sue had some people over, and for awhile it was just me, Sue, Angie, and Pat. It was cool b/c it's the 1st time Angie's been in town for a long time. And Pat arrived earlier than he was supposed to so I was happy.

We were supposed to go watch fireworks at the whale watch at 10, but Angie's friend Dave came at about that time, and Sue didn't want to see them anyway, so we just kinda forgot that idea. Plus we probably would have had to walk b/c some of us...no make that most of us were buzzin by that time. So me and Pat kicked ass in beer pong, and more people came over, and by 12 we were ready for the bars.

Half of us walked to the bars, and half got a ride with Chad. Sue walked into a tree on the way there, it was pretty funny. She vowed not to tell anyone what happened and then told the whole downtown population. I was pretty damn wasted by the end of the night, and so was Patrick. Being the smart boy that he is, he decides he wants to fight Tyler, this guy from my class. I thought they were just talking, but Tyler is always an ass, even when he's just talking normally. I don't even really know the chain of events, but all I know is that I was dragging Pat down the street at 2:30 in the morning, trying to get him to go back to Sue's and not turn around and chase Tyler down. Of course Tyler had to instigate things by following us up the street and waving to me.

So finally we started walking back to Sue's. Angie got scared of some ghetto guy punching garbage cans so she had run up the street with Dave already, and me and Pat met them up there and walked with them back. Pat had calmed down on the walk back, and we went inside and fell asleep. Well Pat slept downstairs, of COURSE ;-)
:: Erica 1:10 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 17, 2002 ::
Meeeeeeeow.....that's for you, baby ;-)
:: Erica 4:18 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, August 16, 2002 ::
Wow I'm just blogging like crazy lately....and Joe hasn't written in here in approximately forever. Well anyway, I thought I'd be like Elliot Fox's livejournal and put a little test I took in here, just b/c....well b/c it says nice things about me, so...yeah:

Personality Test
Your personality score is 43

What does this score mean?

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

Sweet, eh? That's it, goodbye.
:: Erica 4:40 PM [+] ::
I forgot to mention: 366 dollars for books for school??? Yeah that sucks JUST a little bit
:: Erica 1:12 PM [+] ::
Okay so continuing with my stories of cool stuff that happens, last sunday was the "Great Race" at Owasco Lake in Auburn. Pat invited me and I invited some friends. The only ones that could come were Chris O'Donnell and my cousin Lauren and her boyfriend Scott. But that's okay b/c they're cool people that I never get to hang out with anymore. It was a fun day, and a hot one. One of Pat's friends who was extremely pale had to apply sunblock like every 15 minutes, I felt bad for him. We just kinda walked around and I got to meet a lot of people. I finally met Pat's dad too, he's a riot. I love little Italian men, they're great. We kinda got to go swimming, but it was really shallow so we just waded out a little bit. It still cooled us off so that was good. I forgot to eat something before I went there, and when Pat's dad offered me a beer I took it, forgetting that I would probably get drunk by that one beer. Yep, that's definitely what happened. I had 2 the whole day and I was pretty hammered. I felt like an idiot but it was fun anyway. All the guys were drunk too, and Pat's old suitemates (that are also on the rugby team with him) decided to play drinking games. I got to see them drink beer from a sneaker and almost get naked. I wish I had a camera.

Pat came over tuesday night too. We went swimming at Seneca Lake and then ate some Mark's pizza which I love now that I ate it drunk one time and loved it. I kinda forgot about Nick Cemoni working there and he wasn't working when we were there but oh yeah he just happened to stop in, that was great. After that we watched Signs which was an AWESOME movie and then just went back to my house. It was a really fun night though, I can't really describe here how much I enjoyed it.

Yesterday I got to hang out with Joe, yay! We rented The Ice Storm which was...semi-okay. We also went to wegmans where I ran into "the ex". Yeah...extremely awkward, especially when Joe sees it fit to shout out "she has a huge ass!" about his new woman when she was right there. I was gonna try to be nice and say hi to him, but he very clearly averted his eyes so I thought "eh fuck it".

Right now I should be working, but my supervisor is kinda missing. He's probably on his computer playing chess like the dork that he is. (he does that during breaks) Oh and Sean and Adam's last day was today, did they even say bye to me? Noooo....I see how it is. I saw them and they were like "haha see ya haha" but I didn't know what they were laughing about til the lady they work with said they were leaving. Okay Fred is back so I'm outta here

Oh wait, Angie is coming tomorrow, I'm so excited!!
:: Erica 1:11 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 12, 2002 ::
Ya know, I try to do a good deed for society and they don't even let me. Damn stupid low iron...my "hermocrit" was 2% lower than it should have been, and they wouldn't let me give. Next time there's a blood drive I'm gonna eat a can of spinach and they better take my damn blood!
:: Erica 12:56 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 10, 2002 ::
Hmmm....if I try to write everything that's happened since my last entry it will take all night so maybe I'll write some now and some later.

August 1st I traveled to Michigan. It was my first time on a plane, but I didn't get scared or nervous or anything. I got all window seats which was awesome b/c I just stared out the window for half the flight. (each flight was only an hour) I got to change planes at Chicago's O'Hare Airport and, not that I have any other experiences with airports, but I thought it must have been one of the coolest ones in the US. It's HUGE and has sooooo many stores, kind of like a mall with airplanes.

I won't say EVERYTHING that happened each day in Traverse City, but I'll list the highlights. First of all, Traverse City is the cherry capital of Michigan and they had stores that had cherry EVERYTHING. I love cherries and I have a cherry shirt and necklace so I wore them there. The bays of Lake Michigan are SO beautiful, and they have white sandy beaches, so it was like an ocean without the salt. We went to Mackinac Island, which was also beautiful. There are no cars allowed there so in crossing the streets we had to watch out for horses and bikers. There is a HUGE hotel there called The Grand and me, Angie, and her mom ate lunch there. About 265 Jamaican waiters swarmed us, but other than that the food was so fancy I was afraid to touch some of it. It was a buffet with like....the best food in the world. I ended up getting like 6 plates of food and I bet I gained 5 pounds. Angie works at a resort in Traverse City and we went to visit that too. It reminded me of the hotel in the shining (well just the inside) it was that big. I would love to work at a place like that. I got to meet people she works with, and her family friends stayed in her house while I was there too. The father is Japanese and the mother is white, so naturally the children are the cutest things ever. There was one little girl, Mallory, that I wished lived here so I could babysit her, she's so cute. I think that's about it, of course there's more, but that's all I feel like typing right now.

My softball is over, which is good, more free time for me! I went to Pat's last lacrosse game on wednesday, it was the championship. Me and Sue went to his house before the game and it was the 1st time I'd seen him since going to Michigan. They won their game 21-5 and we got to see Pat fall down in front of us. Actually now that I think about it, he fell down a lot that night. Anyway, after the game he came out of the rink and I wanted to jump him right there. I don't mean to be gross or anything since he was all sweaty and stuff, but he looked great. So...we went back to his house and me and Sue watched a little tv with his mom while he took a shower and shaved. I love talking to his mom, she's so funny and easy to talk to. Then we went to a bonfire some girl had at the lake. I got to see some girl punch a guy in the face, that's always nice. It was really pretty out there though, we were right on the lake and the stars were out and everything. Sue had to work early and so did I so we kinda left early (well 12:30) but I had a great time.

Tomorrow I'm so excited b/c I'm going to Auburn again for the "Great Race". I'll write more about it after, but it should be awesome.
:: Erica 6:40 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 29, 2002 ::
I should write in this thing a little more frequently than every 7 days I think, but I don't have time except on my lunch hours now b/c I have NO WHEELS. (tear) My little blue 89 plymouth sundance is no more. It served me well for 3 years, and now it is gone. (okay so I"m being a little overdramatic about it) But now I have no car and no money to get another one at least for a little while. It's not like I use a car much at school but ever since I've had my license I've had my own car so I'm just not used to being without one.

Hmmm not many interesting things happened over the weekdays last week. Monday my power went off at my house for 5 hours. I was so bored that I just called a bunch of people. I think I talked to Sue, Maura, Pat, and Angie, which basically took up like 3 hours. A bunch of trees were down on our road, and a huge one fell on my cousin's car, totalling it. But no trees were down at my house.

Tuesday we had an awesome softball game. We were down all game but scored 4 runs to come back to win it in the 7th inning. I had 3 hits that game and I scored 3 times also. I also advanced the runner that scored the winning run in the 7th. Later that night I saw Men in Black II with Sue, Joe, and Chris. I thought it was really good, but that might just be my opinion.

Friday night there was some "Cruisin" night on the streets of downtown Geneva. It was open container night or something so everyone was just carrying beer and stuff around outside. Joe wanted to go out friday night which was AWESOME b/c I never hang out with him anymore. So me and him went to Copperfields at around 8 to get some drinks, then we hung out on the streets. Sue had to work til 11 so she met us there then. So basically me and Joe just walked around and talked to people til the bars actually had a crowd later. Before Sue got there I had already had 3 beers and was trying to down my 4th b/c this girl kept saying "just chug it!!". So for some reason I listened to her, even though I KNEW I would get sick. So I basically finished it really fast and immediately felt sick. I ran outside and tried to get over it but it was too late....I ended up "spitting out" all the beer I just drank all over the street in front of Parkers. Of course there were a ton of people in front of Parkers so I felt SO STUPID. I woulnd't even look at any of them. I ran up the street and ran into Sue. I started crying to her and saying I just threw up in front of a million people, so she comforted me and I felt a little better. I didn't drink any more that night.

Saturday night I got to show Pat the bar scene in G-town. Me and Sue were kinda planning to go to Gabe and Justin's but they were doing something else so we ended up going downtown again. Pat came at like 6:30 and we just hung out til 11. Well we wanted to go to the lake but on our way there it started raining. I don't know if we'll ever get to the lake this summer, but we're still gonna try. Pat drove to Sue's house b/c he wanted to see me drunk when he's sober. (usually it's the other way around) Then we went to Wylie J's and played a couple games of pool with Sue and Ricky. Me and Pat beat them both times, we're quite the pool sharks. We also went to Copperfields for a little bit, but I don't know if that was a good idea b/c I kept seeing random people from my past and it was freaking me out. Cody Morrow was there which I don't really mind b/c I see him all the time, but we were standing right next to Eric Ninestine and I dind't even know it for a long time. We left the bars when they closed and walked back to Sue's house after rescuing her from Ricky's apt. This probably sounds retarded, but the coolest thing about saturday night is that I got to introduce Pat to people as my boyfriend, which I've never done, well I've never done it in his presense. And he saw someone he knew and the guy asked what he was doing there. He said "I'm with my girlfriend." and I got all happy. ANYWAY my lunch hour is done so I'm gonna go before I regret typing that.
:: Erica 1:03 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 ::
Okay let's see...friday night I spent the night at Sue's house. We woke up and then went to lunch at Ports with Steph and Stacey. Then at like 5 me and Sue went to the mall. The first person we saw there (actually it wasn't there, he was leaving the mall) was Sue's friend Keith. So we stopped and talked to him for awhile. THEN I remembered that Pat Kiley works at Lids now so we walked by very slowly to see if he was there. Sure enough...he was. It was great, I'd been wanting to see him for 2 years now just to see what's going on with him. So we stopped and talked with him for a little bit and went on about our business. I didn't buy much, I kinda just bought a lot of underwear, which could come in handy with my non-single status.

After the mall we went to the bars again. This time we went from Wylie Js to Copperfields to Parkers to Copperfields to Wylie Js....it was a little annoying but not really b/c I would see different people every time I went somewhere else. I saw 3 of my dad's friends, I'm not even gonna count the DHS people I saw, and Dave, my boss from Ports. He was being really nice and offered to buy me a beer but I didn't take it. I didn't feel like spending the night at Sue's again so I wasn't gonna drink. I drove home at like 3 and just crashed.

Sunday Pat came over. We have this like...see each other every 5 days thing going on. Well not this week, but usually it's like that. Anyway I introduced him to my grandparents and we played some pool and ping pong at their house. He beat me in pool but I kicked his ass in 2 out of 3 games of ping pong so it was all good. We were trying to get to the lake sunday, but we kept getting sidetracked and never made it. We got hungry so we went to Parkers and ate, then we saw Sue at work and talked to her for awhile. By that time it was too late for the lake so we rented I Am Sam and watched it at my house. It was a pretty good movie, but I don't understand why people think it's "awesome". It still made me cry though. It was really late and Pat was like...almost falling asleep on my couch so he left and I went to bed. It was still a really good night though.
:: Erica 1:03 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 ::
So I'm here at work, dreading the fun filled afternoon of washing pots I have ahead of me. It helps that this morning I got to work with Adam and Sean again, who I haven't worked with in forever. They were up to their usual antics, and I was laughing hysterically the whole morning. We had to pot plants, and Adam brought a cd player down to the potting shed. Of COURSE since I always make fun of his obsession with Hootie and the Blowfish he played a cd with like 5 of their songs. Then his necklace broke all over the floor and he was sad for like an hour so it was a very quiet hour. After we potted the plants we had to empty plants into a wheelbarrow and throw them outside. Well Adam kept telling Sean "Don't throw me the pots, you're gonna get it on the floor". Of course Sean throws a pot clear out of the greenhouse and the soil gets all over the place. Adam then yelled at Sean for about a half hour, I swear they act like a married couple. Then they had a duel with Bamboo sticks out in the rain. Apparently they have nicknames for all the girls that work with us, and I really wanna know what mine is (maybe I don't actually) but they won't tell me. I'll find out someday though.

I still have to write about saturday and sunday which were both very good days (and nights) but I think Francisco is going to pull me outta here to work for him pretty soon, so I'll do it later.
:: Erica 1:02 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 20, 2002 ::
Sweeeeet there's a picture of me online somehow...I'm stealing this link from Joe's other blog. For anyone that cares, this is my friend Sue, me (a weirdly bad pic but oh well), Joe, and Chris: http://community.webshots.com/photo/43984008/43984181FNMBdd

Hopefully that works...
:: Erica 2:01 PM [+] ::
Sue just reminded me that I needed to write in this bad boy b/c I haven't in awhile. Pat also reminded me on wednesday but I didn't have time then to write.

Let's see.....well continuing with the last one, while I was at Gabe and Justin's last saturday Travis stopped by randomly with Twan. It was kinda funny b/c he never goes over there and I hadn't been there in a long time either. He got in the door and was like "What the fuck are you doing here?" Then the 10 minutes they were there consisted of him fighting with Sue and trying to get info about me and Pat. Sue hates him b/c she thinks he's arrogant and whatever, and she didn't bother hiding it at all when he came over. I just found it really funny.

Tuesday night at my softball game (in the 1st inning which sucks) a girl hit the ball to Sue in the outfield. The ball bounced on the ground and hit her lip. It immediately swelled to the size of a grapefruit (okay no not that big) but it was frikken huge and she had to go to the hospital. Now it is completely purple and she's afraid to come out of her house. But we won our softball game...it's only the 2nd one we won all year.

Wednesday I went to Pat's. I got there at like 8 and he was sitting on his front porch with his friend. He also had no shirt on and looked really hot.....ANYWAY we talked with his friend for awhile and then went inside and he showed me his room and his basement. Then we went to Owasco lake and walked on the pier. Everything was really pretty, the night, the lake, the pier. We were getting attacked by spider webs too which was pretty entertaining. We went back to his house to see if any parties were happening that night but nothing was really going on so we just watched a movie at his house. I was REALLY tired b/c tuesday night we were talking forever on the phone and I got no sleep so by 12 on wednesday I was ready to just pass out. So I went home and just fell into my bed.

Thursday we had another softball game. We lost again (BIG SURPRISE) but Sue actually played which I wouldn't have had the balls to do. It was a horrible day to play too. It was slightly raining but the ground was still REALLY hard so all the balls would hit the ground and jump in some weird direction. She didn't get hit again though. I got some hit to me which never happens at 1st base and I happened to forget my cleats so I was just sliding around trying to get them. (it wasn't really working out for me)

Last night I went with Sue, Steph, Stacey, and 2 of Steph's friends from school to the bar. Well actually we went to Steph's 1st and I watched people play beer pong and got extremely buzzed before I even got to the bar. The bar we were going to last night wasn't the same one we usually go to so I thought it'd be kinda dead. But some people from Copperfields came to Wylie J's and I had a good time. At the end of the night Sue was talking to her semi-boy toy that works the door there and this other guy that I met before started talking to me. His name is Aaron and I met him a couple weeks ago at the bar but he didnt' talk to me too much then. I don't know WHY he started talking to me so much this time b/c he was most likely the hottest guy in the bar last night. Of course I'm not looking for a guy right now (obviously) plus he's like 26. He's a baseball coach for the Geneva Lakers. Apparently he rode his bike past my car when I was driving one day and he knew it was me, oddly enough since I met him once in a dark bar. But anyway me and Sue walked back to her house b/c we were both a little tipsey and all in all it was a good night.
:: Erica 11:51 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, July 14, 2002 ::
I am at Gabe and Justin's right now and Sue would like the world to know that she was at Darien Lake too. She was being really funny also and she wasn't just the taxi driver. Justin and Gabe are talking about vegetable sex right now and it's scaring me immensely. So.....I'm gonna go...........
:: Erica 1:43 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 13, 2002 ::
Yeah I forgot to mention in that last blog that I went to Darien Lake monday for Gabe's birthday and had a great time. The Superman is THE coolest rollercoaster ever. Gabe and Justin were being really funny too.

Also sunday I went sailing with Maura and her mother's cousins. The boat was really big and we got to talk for like 6 hours and catch up on everything. I was really happy to get to hang out with her this summer at least once.

Sooo.....last night Pat came to Geneva to visit. We went to Ports, I gave him a little walk around my house grounds, and we went to the movies. We saw Minority Report which was actually good so I'm ending my Tom Cruise boycott. But it was a friday night and there were 2 other people in the theater besides us, that was a little weird. Maybe it was the Italian Festival...? So we came back to my house and he spent the night. We fell asleep on the couch but then Keith's drunk friend Matt came over and was like "yo that's my spot, I have to sleep there" and was going on about it. Pat was already asleep but I wasn't so I was like "Okay we'll move" and roused him to go upstairs and sleep instead. My parents were a little worried about us sleeping in my bed together on the first night they even met him, but I explained the Matt thing and they didn't care. (of course, what do they EVER care about)

This morning we woke up late and I tried to take him to like 29865 different swimming places but I couldn't find any of them. (okay or just 2) It sucked b/c it was just a waste of time, but it was time with him so it's all good. He left around 2. I think our relationship is moving to new levels and it's very exciting. I'm a little sleepy, you can't really get a good night's sleep when you're sharing a single bed with someone so I think I'm gonna take a nap. G'night!
:: Erica 5:10 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 ::
I'm at Sue's right now and I don't have a lot of time to write, but I just wanna say that I've been in a general good mood pretty much all summer and I thought I wouldn't be, so that's awesome. Everything seems to be working out for me at the moment, and I hope it doesn't change.

My job is still great, Adam and Sean asked if Pat was "good to me" like they're my parents or something. My supervisor and kinda supervisor guy have started calling me "Erotica" which is a little creepy but mostly just funny. My job is easy as hell and I get a tan, so what's not to like anyway?

I've been talking to Pat kinda a lot lately, it's really cool. I saw him monday, in case you missed Sue's comment. Me and Sue went to Auburn for a "little get together" which was like 20 lacrosse guys. It was really fun, I had a good time. He's coming friday to FINALLY see G-town.

AND I'm soooo excited about going to see Angie, I miss her so much.

Oops I've been talking for too long, I gotta go!!!
:: Erica 10:34 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 06, 2002 ::
Ah weddings....the joy of seeing people in love and the envy of it not being you.

Although I had a great time at my cousin's wedding, it still depressed me a little bit. I wish I could have been part of the cute couple thing that seemed to permeate the entire place (there were like 3 single people there)....BUT I looked good which was cool b/c I got like 2865 compliments. But then this guy started talking to me that was liiiike....26 and he kept talking about how he wasn't married yet and all these younger people are already married and he would NOT stop talking to me. Leah (the bride) told me he has a thing for me so I was trying to kinda avoid him but nope, he definitely found me and talked to me forever.

:: Erica 5:07 PM [+] ::
I'm a little pissed tonight, a little disappointed, and a little (or a lot) tired.

Joe was being an ass online tonight, no big shocker there. I got a little mad after he said something to Pat and I made him take me home. But I don't think it was what Joe said as much as me and Pat NEVER getting to hang out that made me wanna go home. Well I shouldn't say never, I'm sure there'll be time. But he was supposed to come to Geneva this sunday and he can't. He said something about monday but I can't then. I said wednesday and HE can't. It's a whole big process to see each other and it's kinda frustrating. I mean I saw him practically every single day at school and I was getting used to the fact that I wasn't gonna see him this summer except that I DID see him and now I want to again. Oh well, it's really not a big deal but as I said I'm really tired anyway which totally magnifies my emotions and makes me retarded.

Tomorrow I'm gonna be in my cousin's wedding tomorrow which is cool, I haven't actually been an active participant in a wedding since I was 4, so it should be fun. Then sunday I'm going sailing with Maura for like...allllll day and I'm looking forward to that too. Monday I get to go to Darien Lake with Gabe, Sue, and Justin for Gabe's birthday and I looooove rollercoasters. So the not seeing Pat thing will definitely be outweighed by cool stuff happening.
:: Erica 12:12 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 01, 2002 ::
Yeah I'm at work right now, and my boss decided to go on vacation this week. That'd have been fine, I'd have been happy to sit here and do nothing for a whole week. But noooo he left me ALL the work that HE was supposed to do. I've been working here for what, 2 weeks now? And he decides to just put me in charge of his whole project. Pretty damn trustworthy of him. Now I have to be on my best behavior or I'll fuck up his whole experiment. This sucks.
:: Erica 9:01 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 30, 2002 ::
I just realized that a lot of my making out occurs during Conan O'Brian....random thoughts
:: Erica 11:15 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 29, 2002 ::
Hmmm a LITTLE behind on this thing, I'll try to catch ya'll up.

The monday after I saw The Sum of All Fears I went to Carousel Mall with Sue. We met her friend Lynn there and it was fun. I randomly invited Pat over IM b/c at that time I didn't have his phone # but it was pretty last minute, so he didn't come. I hardly EVER go to Carousel and it's an awesome mall so I had a really good time. I ended up spending like 100 dollars there too.

Wednesday I started my new job. I went in at 8 and filled out all my paperwork. Then I got shown around the lab I would be working in, and I met some people I would be working with. Wednesday, thursday, and friday I did work with cabbage and lady beetles. (not the same project). I worked mostly with my supervisor, Fred, who is pretty cool but he used to be a Mennenite so he's kinda uptight. I also worked with this guy Bill that knows both my parents so he keeps threatening me with stories about them. Holly Townly works for him and I worked with her that week too. Bill AND Holly's mother told me they were gonna hook me up with her brother, which was fine with me since he's one of the hottest guys in Geneva, but I knew not to take that seriously.

Friday I went to dinner at Parkers with Sue after work and then we met Joe at the bar his parents go to. It wasn't really hoppin with the young crowd so we went to Copperfields where I saw a ton of people from my HS class. It was kinda late in the night by this time and the bar closed at one so I just went home and got online. I ended up having a long conversation with Pat in which he got my phone # and gave me his so that was cool. He also said we should go out sometime but I didn't really put much stock into that b/c he said he was pretty drunk at the time he was talking to me.

Saturday after Joe got outta work we went to the bars again. Well we kinda mostly stayed at Copperfields but went to Parker's and Wylie J's a little bit just to see who was there. Just about EVERYONE from my HS class was in Copperfields on saturday. Joe and Sue were kinda uncomfortable and didn't want to see them but I was having a great time. I loved talking to people I hadn't seen in forever. It was a bad night though b/c me, Joe, and Sue all ended up pissed at each other. I wanted to stay in copperfields so I got mad. Joe was mad at me b/c I spied Eric Ninestine at the bar and told Joe he was there. And since Joe is always 38645 times overprotective he got annoyed and left. Sue was mad at Joe b/c he was shouting stuff like always. I ended up not even talking to Eric b/c he disappeared, and it was just an all around retarded night.

Monday I talked to Pat online again. He said he remembered the conversation and he was gonna call me the next day to set up plans to go to dinner and hang out in Auburn. He DID call, right at 5 when I got out of work, and we made plans to go to dinner wednesday at this place called Michaels at 7, then hang out after.

Wednesday I went to Auburn, found his house (after calling to make sure where it was) and we went to dinner. It was a really nice place, a really cute little Italian restaurant. I didn't have a big appetite for SOME reason, but I still really enjoyed what I ate. After dinner he gave me a little tour of Auburn, since I've never been there. Then we went back to his house to watch Caddyshack. I got to meet his mom, she was really nice and cool to talk to. There was also a huge thunderstorm while I was there and the power went out for a minute. It would have been kinda fun if it had stayed out (hehe). Like 4 of his friends randomly showed up late and I didn't really get a chance to talk to them but they seemed like cool guys. I ended up staying there til one, then I really had to go to get some kind of sleep for working at 8 the next morning. So I left, and the FIRST song I heard on the radio when I was pulling away was Moondance by Van Morrison. I was like "FUCK" b/c that's one of his favorite singers. I probably shouldn't have gone there b/c now I'm just gonna miss him more, especially since we're forever unlabeled. Oh well, whatever.

So work this week was sooooo fun. It's great to actually work with guys for a change instead of girls. I worked with 3 guys for 8 hours a day, for the whole week. It was AWESOME. I got to listen to these 2 guys, Adam and Sean, argue, make funny comments, and just be completely entertaining. They're best friends from Seneca Falls and they're both a year younger than me. Adam talks NONSTOP about everything, and Sean is a little quieter but really funny.

I was talking to them the other day about what my type of guy is. They decided to think about who would be perfect for me out of their friends (they both have girlfriends already). They decided they wanted to hook me up with their friend Vince. I have no idea who this guy is, but apparently I'd like him b/c he's full Italian, dark hair, and on the short side. This was on tuesday, and I said "well I'll have to see how my date tomorrow goes first." They were both like "aww man we're gonna sabotage it!! We're gonna go to the restaurant and ruin your date, it'll be just like The Cable Guy!" So now they intend on me meeting this kid sometime whether I want to or not. I won't get to work with them all the time though, they're on the floor above me and work for different people. My supervisor needed help this week b/c Bill and Holly were both on vacation all week and we needed extra people.

Okay I'm really tired and I still haven't caught up on the sleep I was deprived of on wedesday, so I'm gonna finish this long ass entry right now.
:: Erica 12:21 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 17, 2002 ::
I forgot to mention that last thursday I went to see Natalie Merchant FOR FREE b/c Sue works at the Ramada and scored tickets for us from the band itself. The people we were sitting next to were on extacy...yeah can't spell that word....so they were being all weird and funny. It was great.

Saturday night me and Sue went to Gabe and Justin's again. This time it was just me and her and Gabe and Justin. It was still fun, as always, and I got invited to go to Darien Lake for Gabe's b-day! I also didn't have to wake up early the next day FOR ONCE. Last night me and Sue went out to the movies with Justin. We saw The Sum of All Fears which I didn't really want to see but it ended up being a good movie. I didn't want to see The Bourne Identity before that but I got roped into that one too. Sheeesh. And I ended up seeing John Kinnan at the movie theatre which was REALLY weird b/c I had 2 dreams about him like a week ago that seemed to have come from nowhere. (I haven't seen the guy in a year)

:: Erica 11:45 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 15, 2002 ::
Well the annual rugby party/alumni game was today. I got to go for about 3 hours, then I had to work. It was kinda funny seeing the guy that I hooked up with at the bar last summer when I went out with the team. I know he doesn't remember me though so it's all good. My brother actually played today, I thought he was gonna get scared and not play. He didn't get hurt which is good since he weighs like 2 pounds. Another guy got his head cut open and was bleeding all over the place.

Oh yeah and the FIRST person I saw when I got to the game?? Of course it's the guy that I was buddies with when I was like 5 and then later I developed a huge crush on him. I hadn't seen him in at least 2 years, if not more. His name is Eric Ninestine and he is still adorable. He was all by himself for most of the game/party, or he was just talking to his dad and I wanted to talk to him soooo bad but I didn't get the courage to. He's kinda a quiet guy and I have trouble initiating things with the quiet ones. But he knew I used to like him and I dont' think he reciprocated it so I felt stupid trying to talk to him anyway. He ate dinner by himself though and it took all of my willpower not to go over there and eat with him. The only time I got to talk to him was when he was with his dad and I was with my mom and we all were talking together. I probably wont' see him for another 2 years so I should have talked to him at least a little bit, but oh well.

And I just found out my dad was married before to an ecuadorian woman to keep her in the country!!??? My family is officially nuts.
:: Erica 8:30 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 13, 2002 ::
The first softball game went pretty well. I hit 3 times but only got on base one of those times. The other ones were a long fly to center field and a hit right up the middle that the pitcher reached up and caught (dammit). I played 1st b/c Sue's shoulder was hurting her. I didn't have many problems there and it was fun. Our team lost, but we held them for awhile.

Later tuesday night I went to Friendly's with Sue, Joe, Chris O and Danielle. As we were leaving I saw someone that looked very familiar. I stared at him for a few seconds, then was like "....Nick?" Sure enough, it was Nick Cemoni. Him and his brothers used to live next to me and we hung out all summer every summer before we got licenses. They moved away last summer and I hadn't seen Nick after that. It was good to see him tuesday and he hugged me which was great since...oh yeah....I used to have a huge crush on him for like 3 years but ended up going out with his brother b/c Nick is a plaaaaaaya. But anyway, as I was talking to him, my friends thought it would be funny to DRIVE AWAY and leave me there. Bastards....

Aaaaand I got a new job! Instead of Ports hell, I get waking up at 6:30 every morning hell. But that's okay b/c my new job is at the experiment station, it pays more than ports, and I work 40 hours a week, AND I work outside so I can get a huge tan. But my hours are every weekday 8-5 which sucks for my partying which I tend to do on weekday nights. But I get all weekends off so that's cool.
:: Erica 3:46 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 10, 2002 ::
Hmmm lets see....thursday was supposed to be my 1st softball game, but it rained a lot the night before so that was cancelled. So tomorrow is our real 1st game and I'm very excited.

Friday I did end up going to Gabe and Justin's again. It was Tom's going away party. He bought a case of Coronas which was great b/c I looooove Coronas. Travis and Twan were there again, it was less weird this time b/c I figured they would be there. We played asshole and kings, hung out, whatever. I had a good time. I had a wedding to go to saturday morning, but I didn't get ANY sleep at their place. I was kinda trying to sleep but James and Sue were sleeping around me and we all ended up talking about stuff and not sleeping. Then when I finally WAS sleeping, Justin, Lyndsey, Tom, and Steph came out of Justin's room and just started talking all around us. So I went home, fell asleep at 7, woke up at 10, and went to my cousin's wedding.

The wedding was great. It must have been soooo expensive. For example, the wedding cake had a WATERFALL in it. It was spectacular. I found out that one of my other cousins is getting married in October, so that makes 3 cousins on that side of the family getting married in a row. It kind of makes me depressed that they're all my age or around it (one is even 19) and getting married and I haven't even found a decent man yet. But it's okay, I'm in no hurry.

:: Erica 1:01 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 06, 2002 ::
Sue is insane....she keeps calling 98pxy to talk to the dj and it's hilarious. She's called 2x already. I think she's trying to call 107.9, 93Q, and the nerve too. She's obsessed with the new Creed song and just keeps asking everyone to play it.

Me and Joe watched "Life as a House" last night. It was REALLY good. Maybe half of why it was good was b/c Hayden Christiansen is so hot in it and of course I love those rebels. Kevin Kline does a really good job in it too, and I couldn't stop thinking about it after I watched it.

Tom came to hang out with me on monday. He's moving to NYC soon and we never get to hang out really anyway so it was fun. We went to Friendly's and to my house where he fixed my computer. THANKS!! Then Gabe called and said we could go over there so we went at like 10:30 to party it up there. There was this girl at their apartment and Travis called her like right when I got there and I was like "TRAVIS MOLL??" She nodded and gave me the phone so I was like "Travis?? This is Erica!" He's like "yo what are you doing there?" and he ended up coming over with his friend to hang out. It was weird b/c it was like...school and non school but it was still cool. Sue came when she got outta work, and this guy James that I knew and talked to in high school was there too. It was really fun, except that I AM NOT NEIL YOUNG you crazy people (Justin!). I didn't get any sleep like always, but it's okay. I think we're going back there friday.
:: Erica 1:08 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 03, 2002 ::
Eric Ralston and weird kid that me and Joe see all the time are going DOWN!! Joe, Sue, and I got into a food fight with the Friendly's workers tonight. It ended up with Joe getting rainbow sprinkles all over him and in his food. I have no idea how it started but it was funny as hell.

THEN we drive by Parkers not once, not twice, but SIX times trying to see if this guy was someone Sue knew. It ended up not being him but the guys that were out there knew our car by the sixth time we drove by and were whistling at us. Sue actually got out and talked to them, it was hilarious.

Okay time for bed....g'night!
:: Erica 3:08 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 02, 2002 ::
I spell everything right all the time and I spell one long word wrong and get yelled at for it, sheeeesh.

So yeah thursday night was pretty fun. Well first during the day I went to the mall with Joe and met Angela there. Bought some sexy shirts and some shorts too. I also got the new Eminem cd, it's great. I doubt I'll like it as much as the last one, but the fact that he says "Erica loves my shit" about 10 times in White America just makes it a great cd. I got back from the mall and Sue wanted to hang out so we went to Gabe and Justin's apt (friends of hers) and hung out with them. We had some tickle wars and Justin bit a hole in the mattress me and Sue were supposed to be sleeping on....just normal hanging out stuff...lol.

Well we didn't fall asleep til 5 in the morning and I had to wake up at 9 (they live in canadaigua/farmington) to go to work so I was REALLY tired and didn't go out last night. Plus I wanted to rest up b/c today I had to work from 12-10 with only a 10 minute break. It wasn't bad actually b/c it was busy so I had no time to think about how long I"d been there. My feet really hurt after about 8 hours though. Tonight I wanted to go out but when I got home I realized that I was in a bad mood and plus I got home at 10 and everyone was out doing whatever already. I got invited to a party but I didn't really feel like going (sorry Andy) so I guess i"m just gonna finish this and go to bed. (dooooork)

Oh the movie "From Hell"....yeah very confusing (let's put a bunch of english guys that look exactly like each other in a movie) and I did NOT like the ending. But other than that it was okay......

:: Erica 12:35 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 01, 2002 ::
I hate people who can't spell "incompetent" right!!! Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!
:: Joseph 12:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 ::
I hate bosses that are incompetant yet they yell at you for their problems....I'm applying for a summer job in fucking december next time, I'm through screwing around with Ports.
:: Erica 2:17 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 27, 2002 ::
Well I hope I can actually write what I want to say before my computer decides to freeze itself again. Damn thing, I don't know what's wrong with it, but it is SO annoying. Control Alt Delete doesn't work at all, and I have to totally restart.

I worked at Ports friday and today. Yesterday I went to a wedding as Chris Campbell's date. Yeah that was fun until he got so drunk that he got mad at me for saying I didn't want to dance with him because he was so drunk and then proceeded to yell out the window of my car "faggots" and "niggers" to random people on the street. He also hinted at hooking up with me about 28549 times which, of course, did NOT happen. However it was funny when he was dancing sandwiched between old ladies and he was actually having fun. Oh, and I am totally not attracted to Jim Palmer anymore!!!! That makes me very happy. (not the baseball player or the money store guy, CHARLES)

Other than that this weekend has been pretty tame compared to past standards. This is the first weekend in a long time (well probably about 3 weeks) that I haven't been with Pat, so of course I'm a little nostalgic for the fun times at Geneseo, but I'm telling myself that this summer will be awesome somehow, and I'll make new better memories. It's probably weird, but the thing I miss the most about my time with him is when we "slept together" (no sex involved). Of course he was drunk every time it happened and we just kinda passed out on each other, but besides with Nate a few times, that was the first time I've done that. For some reason with Nate it was different, we'd already been going out for a long time, and it didn't really seem as special I guess. It's nice to have someone just to be there with, even if neither of us are conscious.

:: Erica 12:49 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, May 24, 2002 ::
Thanks to the wonderful Andy Logue, I can now be online at my house through my laptop.....life just got a whole lot better. God it's pathetic how much I need the internet to communicate with people.

And tonight I sat outside Sue's house with her drinkin a beer and chatting. It was great....it was also a Corona :) Tomorrow it's back to the crazy life of a Ports worker.
:: Erica 12:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 ::
And now I'm at Joe's house, randomly writing til he gets off the phone with Libby. We're going to see Spiderman (the 2nd time for me) at 7 with Chris O'Donnell, it should be fun. I was supposed to see it for the 2nd time with Pat *tear* but it's okay. No actually I'm pretty okay with the whole not seeing Pat for like 2865 days thing, but it's hard when I know I COULD be talking to him online but I'm not b/c my stupid home computer is a piece of crap. What the hell are crosslinked clusters anyway???

So the whole work thing sucks. I didn't want to work at Ports, I REALLY thought I was getting myself outta there for good this time. But nope, they keep sucking me back in, those bastards. I'm working friday, sunday, then alllllllll next week. I repeat: bastards. I might start a job at the hospital, but it's something weird in the kitchen so I'd probably RATHER be at Ports. So yeah, all you genevans....come out and see me slaving away for Dave and Jeff again this summer.

:: Erica 6:28 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 ::
Yes but I do have a computer at my grandparent's house. How sad is that, to go online I have to be at my grandparent's house. Hopefully I can call the computer help place soon and we can get my computer fixed, b/c my parents sure as hell aren't gonna do anything about it.

Yeah so there's weird Amish people here fixing my grandparent's roof and they're all like 20 and have beards. They would probably be cute if not for the beards...and the fact that they're Amish.....they keep walking by and staring at me too :-/

I can't believe I'm actually home. This is really weird. I hung out with Joe all of yesterday, which was cool. But today he's sick and my other friends aren't around at the moment, so it's gonna be a family night for me. Greeaaat. I should probably unpack all the shit that's sitting around my room, I'm sure it'll take 3 hours anyway.

Oh and my brother let me borrow his Jimmy Eat World cd....I swear every song they sing is like a theme song for me. The Middle is the best song though, I love it.
:: Erica 4:03 PM [+] ::
ummmm yeah. erica doesn't have a computer at home for now. sucks for all you people, huh?
:: Joseph 3:43 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 18, 2002 ::
So I'm here, on a saturday night, sitting by myself at my computer b/c there is nobody around and nothing else AT ALL to do. I've never been so bored in my life. Well I probably have, at least I still have my computer. All my suitemats left for home besides Sarah and all the tvs are gone. And me being an idiot, didn't even leave myself a frikken pen or pencil so I can't even write or draw.

And I didn't exactly do nothing tonight anyway. I went to Ralph Suarez's movie premieres of his 3 newest movies. He's a great filmmaker, he really is. I loved all the movies, but maybe b/c I'm obsessed with movies anyway. Goo was in one of them, so I wanted to go watch him. He ended up sitting with me and we sat behind all the people that were the stars in like all the movies, so it was cool. Goo lives with Ralph so he knows all the actors. He played "Sleepwalking Andy" and all he did was walk around asleep, it was really funny. Ralph's style kinda reminds me of Kevin Smith. Of course with much less talent, but he's still got it. I'm really glad I went to that, of course now I wanna be an actress.

Yeah so yesterday I had an actual SOBER talk with Pat this time. Of course he said everything he said when he was drunk, just in a nicer way. I guess we're cool, since he came over AGAIN last night when he was drunk. I tolerated it, and it was a lot easier to handle b/c Tim and Travis came over too. They were all drunk and being really funny like always. I've developed a whole psychoanalytic theory to what Pat is doing, and I think I'm right, but I"m not about to tell about it here, since I know he reads this. HI PAT. Lol.

God you know what makes me so sad? It takes so long to actually make friends with people to the point where you have fun and hang out. Then something happens inevitably, and it ends. Me and Sjene had just started hanging out when she left Geneseo. Of course we keep up communication b/c she's too cool not to, but it would be so much easier to be able to hang out on campus or something. Then there's the guys next door. It's not like I'm all tight with them or anything, but they're so fun to be around that I'm definitely gonna miss their antics. And of course I'm gonna miss Travis and Pat the most. I'm sure I'll see Travis around CA b/c I'll be hanging around there, but I don't exactly hang around Auburn and he's made it clear he doesn't really wanna see me over the summer. Whatever, maybe we'll get to hang out sometime next fall or something.

Oh random funny story, I was talking to my parents in my room today when they were helping me move stuff out, and Pat walked in to ask if I had any index cards. When he left my mom was like "who is that?" and I told her, and she goes "He looks like Nate" Ummm nooooooo. Great that's all I need, I didn't think my type was THAT strongly fixed. Okay maybe that wasn't funny so much as scary, but ya know, whatever.

:: Erica 11:01 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 ::
Yeah so I don't feel like completing that formal story at this point in time. I'll just say that we both had a great time and I ended up sleeping there again. We both got totally wasted that night but it was still really fun. He came over again monday night and played some wheel of fortune with me.

Yeah and now for last night....I was up for awhile just hanging out with Maura, but finally went to bed at like 2:30. I wasn't really asleep but kinda at like 3:10 when I heard a knock at my door. It was Maura....and behind her sitting on the couch was Pat. He was REALLY wasted, like he could barely stand up. She left us alone to "talk" which we didn't do much of.

Everytime we get together we end up falling alseep, so we were kinda laying there when I heard people outside trying our combination. They would NOT go away, and finally they just POUNDED at the door really loudly. It was like 5 in the morning, so I was like "shit they're gonna wake people up." So I ran out there and just then I saw Pete (one of Pat's suitemates) run back into his room. I went in there b/c I know their code and saw him run into the bathroom and shut the door. I was like "what the hell are you doing asshole? Stop pounding on the door!!" So he was like "heeeeeey is Skeetch in your room?" (Skeetch = Pat) I took him back over to our room and him and Pat's roomate Tim yelled at Pat for about 10 minutes. Apparently he went right from the bar to our room and never checked in with them, and they thought he was passed out outside somewhere. It was REALLY funny though b/c he had no idea what was going b/c he was so drunk. And Tim and Pete were acting like his parents telling him "never do that again, it's 5 in the morning!!" Finally I got them to leave so they wouldn't wake up my suitemates.

Yeah now for the bad part.....we were kinda laying there, kinda doing other stuff, and I was trying to talk to him. I had gotten vibes lately that he was avoiding me when he didn't want to get some. (it's not like he was getting much anyway) So I wanted to know what was going on with him, of course I pick the night he'd dead drunk to ask him about it. He told me he just realized that I really liked him and he didn't think he liked me as much as I liked him. He talked to the girls next door and they THANKFULLY told him not to lead me on anymore. He was like "I wanted to tell you before you got too attatched"....ummm a little bit too late for that but thanks anyway. He said he doesn't want a relationship over the summer, and he said some other honest, but really disappointing things. He just wants to be friends. I can't be mad at him though b/c he didn't really know what was going on and I should have known not to fall for him too much.

If I could be conceded for just a second....I think having a really good body really sucks. People want like "the perfect body" or whatever, but that just means guys can try to get with you and you get screwed over. This has happened twice in the past year with me and it just SUCKS so bad. This stuff is just gonna like...harden me and I'm gonna be so cynical towards every guy now. Ugggh I need to study or something so I stop thinking about this.

Oh and Nate, you now have your payback for me being evil to you....I hope it makes up for some of it.
:: Erica 1:36 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 11, 2002 ::
A last minute formal invitation from Pat? There's no way I'd turn that down. Yeah that was last night, and it was awesome....I'll include more details later
:: Erica 6:43 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 ::
It's been waaaaay too long since I've written and I've gone through waaaay too much stuff to talk about (unless you want to read a 5 page story that would put you to sleep) so I'll just sum up.

Thursday: Pat came over TOTALLY wasted at like 12:45. Travis came over too, and I hung out with them and Maura and Sara. Me and Pat ended up "talking" in the common room til 5 in the morning.

Friday: I had my friends Chris and Doug over and we went to Henrietta and watched Spiderman with some of my suitemates, Sjene, and Karrie. Everyone was tired and/or in bad moods after the movie so we just went back and went out to Denny's and went to bed.

Saturday: there was a huge blowout fight that I was attempting to quell by being mediator but it was just frustrating me, along with everyone else in our suite. I won't get into details, b/c again that would be way too much to have to read. But it ended up that me, Maura, and Becky were sitting outside the suite at like 2 in the morning and I was trying to comfort Maura b/c she was in a bad state. Travis came back from drinking somewhere and was sitting out there with us too. I went in the room for a second and came back out and Pat was out there with Liz. He had just gotten back from a sorority formal. He was a little drunk, she was very drunk. She went into their suite randomly and laid on Pat's bed. He kicked her out approximately 2 minutes later and she went back in her own suite. Me, Maura, Pat, and Travis all went into their suite and watched the last half of Leprechaun. Then me and Pat went into his room and "talked" some more til like 6 in the morning. It was so weird watching the sun come out but thinking that you have to go to sleep soon. So we both crashed in his bed, but I had to get up a little while later to go back to my room. I walked in at like 7:45 and scared Sara half to death. She was also very confused as to why I still was dressed in the clothes I had worn the day before.

Sunday and monday weren't very important, but last night Pat came over again and we played a little nintendo and watched The Fugitive. We started watching the movie a TAD late b/c it got over at like 1:45 and I was basically sleeping. I managed to watch the whole thing though, it was the 1st time I'd seen that movie. He was way tired and so was I so he just left.

Today I'm in a REALLY good mood! I didn't have time last night to work on my spanish oral b/c of movie time so I thought I was screwed this morning when I went in there. Nope, I actually did REALLY well without even knowing what I was gonna say. So that made me happy. In like an hour I have my piano final, which I'm gonna do great, I know it. I've been practicing this song for the WHOLE semester and I know it perfectly. Then later Joe is coming over!! I haven't seen him in like a month and I'm excited. Pat wants to meet him, but I don't know how that's gonna go over with Joe.

Oh and how embarrassing is it that Pat read this blog the other night? LOL oh well, it's nothing he doesn't know already.
:: Erica 2:26 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, May 03, 2002 ::
Ahhhhhhhhhh last night....is a night I'm gonna remember for a long time.......too bad I'm all nerves today....more later
:: Erica 4:11 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 02, 2002 ::
So today I was taking a little tiny nap in my common room while reading "Crime and Punishment" (excellent book for all you avid readers out there) and I was asleep for about 10 minutes when a HUGE knock came at the door. Well it's quite a bit louder on the inside of the door when someone knocks so I guess it wasn't a "HUGE" knock. ANYWAY....I was totally disoriented; I screamed, threw off the blanket, and jumped up. I had lines on my face...possible drool....yeah not pretty. So I stumbled to the door and opened it, and yep, there's PATRICK, the one person I dont' want to see in my stupor. He's like "uhhh you guys have any ham?" with a sandwich in his hand. I stared at him for about a minute, mumbled something about him waking me up, and let him in to search the refrigerator. After he figured out we in fact didn't have any ham, he looked at our nintendo games for a little bit and said he had to go....yeah I totally think I scared him off, being all zombie-like. Dammit.
:: Erica 9:50 PM [+] ::
Well now for my weekend story (don't worry, this will be shorter). I went to Nazareth for the whole weekend to visit Angie for Springfest. My stupid car isn't done yet so she picked me up on friday and brought me back on sunday. I had a great time.

Friday we just drank and went to this Casino thing they had. It was really fun and I saw Lauren and Scott there. You played games like blackjack and roulette with fake money and then won raffle tickets for big prizes. I didn't win any prizes (and neither did anyone else I know) but it was still really fun, and I got to hang out with Lauren. Then Saturday they had all this stuff outside, like food booths (cotton candy, popcorn, snowcones), an obstacle course, a sumo wrestling thing, and bands. Also a ton of free stuff. We stayed outside for like 4 hours, too bad the sun wasn't out. Then we went in, drank, tried to find Lauren at her apartment, and went to the mixer. It seemed to go by really quickly but it was so fun!

Yesterday was Angie's birthday, I couldn't be there but I was there in spirit! (lol) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGIE and I love you!!!!
:: Erica 8:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 25, 2002 ::
Can we say GOOD DAY??!!

1) I got into the film class that I wanted to get into, it's like a film history class or something
2) I had a good day of classes, no work, and got to hear a talk about an actress

And the best one....

3) I was sitting out in the hall reading and Pat (I can name him now) was out there studying. First he was sitting at the long table and I was in the comfy chairs. Then he randomly moved over to the chairs with me. THEN he said "fuck this" about studying so I thought he was just gonna go back in his room....oh no something even better. He came out like 5 minutes later with a guitar. He then proceeded to sit next to me and play things for me. Not just play things, play them FOR ME. He started playing "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias and he was singing too.....until Sara came out of our room b/c she had to ask me something. We both snapped our heads up at her and she's like "Umm am I interrupting something?" He was like "I was just serenading her...." AWWW how cute is that? Then I said "I really should teach you a piano song some time" He goes "Yeah we'll do it sunday." But I didn' t know if he said "someday" or "sunday" so I asked him. He definitely said sunday. That would be so cool if he remembered about it, b/c that means he really cares. So I was thinking, would a guy bring out a guitar and start singing "Hero" to me if he wasn't interested? I would appreciate any comments on this, thanks and bye!
:: Erica 8:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 ::
I just realized that I only write in here after weekends and don't really talk about anything else. But I don't do much on weekdays besides contribute to the "hallcest" phenomenon as Travis likes to call it, and I dont want to dwell on that so I'll just write about fun adventures that I have.

So with that in mind....this was one of the most fun weekends of my life. Friday wasn't so cool at first because I kinda thought I was superwoman on rollerblades and went flying down a hill. Yeah so I totally wiped out and cut open both palms, the back of my right leg, and both sides of my ass....that sucked but it looked funny to my friends so it wasn't all in vain.

Then after I got cleaned up and persuaded my suitemates not to take me to the health center, we went to see Travis' band play and guys eat mayonaise covered butter sticks. Brad's band played too. He lives in the B section of my building and he's hilarious on stage but totally shy when I hang out with him....weird. Travis and Rich played really well though, they sounded Weezer-ish. After that I went to a party at Goo's townhouse. I had gone to see his improv show earlier in the day and it was soooo funny. The people in the improv show were at his party so I got to actually meet them and tell them that they were hilarious. The guy that I have a sorta half the time crush on, Mike Curasi, (I like him when I see him) came after I left so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.....

OMG okay that was creepy I'm sitting in the office right now and Mike JUST as I was writing about him came in and talked to me....wow that was weird. I erased his name really quick b/c I thought he might see it. He was kinda flirty too...hmmm.....ANYWAY so I played asshole at the party for a little bit but the beer ran out so I went back to the dorm at like 1. Little did I know that the same night a guy that lived upstairs from me last year would die....I still can't think about that b/c it's really sad and the campus is overall depressed now.

So the next day I woke up really early and went to Sjene/Karrie's house to get ready to go to Canada. We finally left at like 3 something to go to Niagara Falls. We got there, checked into our hotel (which was pretty nice for 40 dollars), met the potheaded boys in the room next to us, ("Hey you girls wanna burn?" "Umm nooo....") and went to the Casino. I lost 10 dollars, unlike last time when I won like 50.

Then we went to eat, and went to meet the guys at their hotel room (the guys I met at Sjene's party the last weekend). Joe, Mark, Brian, and someone new that I hadn't met before, Colin, were there. They were already drinking, and they offered us some beer so I had some. Then they somehow persuaded us to go with them to a female strip club. Yeah....that's right. So we made a quick stop at a liquor store to get some more beer and to get Sjene some Bacardi, then we were on our way to the strip club.

We got there, and apparently Colin thought I was somethin special b/c he bought me a Corona (my favorite beer). We made fun of the naked girls for a little bit, then decided we REALLY needed to leave. So we went to a MALE strip club. Oh god was that a fun time, it was way more cool than I ever thought it would be. After that we met back up with the guys at Rumors, a dance club. By that time I was buying my 5th beer of the night and for me that is A LOT. Colin offered to buy me another Corona but I felt bad b/c he obviously liked me and I kinda obviously liked his friend Mark. So I bought my own beer and was just kinda dancing in a circle with everyone. (Mark wasn't there at that time) Suddenly Colin grabbed me to dance and I ended up dancing with him for like every song after that.

While this was going on, Colin was joking with me to dance with these guys that looked really antisocial and were dancing by themselves. He's like "c'mon go dance with the shortest one" so I started looking at them b/c he was talking about them. All of a sudden the "shortest one" randomly rammed his shoulder into Colin. We stopped dancing and Colin was like "Did he just push me??" So me being smart I was like "yeah he did". Colin started talking to the kid asking what the hell it was all about, but he couldn't really hear what the guy was saying. So then Mark shows up and gets into it. Mark for some reason loves to be in the middle of fights, and he went RIGHT up to the kid and started talking up in his face. Me and Colin couldn't really do anything about it so we just started dancing again. We saw them like 5 minutes later laughing and joking, so we were like "okaaay...." and kept on dancing.

While we were dancing, another fight was happening. Mark stopped fighting with those other guys b/c apparently he became friends with them instead of fighting them. I don't know the whole story about this, but I guess some bald guy started shit with Joe, who seems like a really nice peaceful guy, so Mark went over there and tried to get into that. They actually did almost start fighting, but I think it was the end of the night and someone else started fighting and got the police involved so Mark's fight ended. But me and Colin had no idea about the 2nd altercation b/c we were just dancing and not paying attention.

So after that we all went back to our hotel room and talked til like 4 in the morning. Mark told the fighting story about 286498 times and added guys that he was fighting each time he told it, so that was amusing. Then we all got tired and the guys left. We went back the next morning and that was it. But it was great while it lasted.
:: Erica 12:48 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 18, 2002 ::
Looks like it's down to either scenerio one or three.....maybe I should stop turning him down when he asks me to do stuff, eh?
:: Erica 3:58 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 ::
It's been awhile folks....let's see what I've got to say.

Friday I had some interesting adventures. I was supposed to go to a party that Sjene and Karrie were having in Greece. I was gonna drive there and bring Raghu. So I went to start my car and it would sound like it started, and then just quit. So Goo was waiting outside for me to pick him up, and I ran over there to tell him what happened. I thought I needed a jump, so I first tried to ask the guys I live next to. I walked in their room....tv blasting but nobody there. Next we went to the girls I live next to. Those bitches just didn't WANT to help. So we went downstairs to find Tim (my hot RA). He is the nicest person ever, and before I had even gotten my whole car problem out to him, he said "yeah lemme just get my keys". So he was gonna jump it, but he noticed it didn't need to be jumped. Apparently it's some carborator problem and my car wasn't about to go anywhere. None of my suitemates that had cars were home, so we had to resort to calling Sjene to come pick us up. That crazy lady drives like 100 on 390 so we knew we would still be on time (to pick up the keg). I went back to Goo's townhouse with him and met the people he lives with. One, "the amazing Jonathan", is a magician. Like a real magician. He performs all over the place and told me about meeting all these celebrities. He works at New Line too and met Adam Sandler there. He was fun to talk to, but he could talk foreeeeeever. So Sjene arrived and we finally got to her house. It was a really fun party, I didn't drink much, but I didn't really want to. It was great just meeting all these fun people and playing games. Oh she got me a 6 pack of Coronas and some limes for my birthday too (well with Goo's help). Thanks guys!!!!!

The rest of the weekend pretty much sucked horribly. I had a 10 page paper due tuesday that I had the wrong references for, so I didn't get to start it until monday, and then I was at my computer from 1 til 11 (yes 10 hours). Also sunday I had to study for a big test I had monday so I couldn't really start the paper then either. The one good thing about sunday was that I had to study, so I was out in the quad for a long time. "Someone" (I still shouldn't reveal his name) was out there as well, and we kinda sorta...bonded? So now we have something odd going on...and there could only be 3 possibilities: 1) He knows I like him and he's messin with me 2) He doesn't know I like him and he likes me back or 3) He knows I like him and he likes me back. I like the last possibility the best, but I think the most accurate is probably the first one. Saturday night I was having a GREAT phone conversation with joe at like 1 in the morning, and he came home from the bar. He invited me over to watch a movie. I told him I would go, and I was gonna go, but I ended up talking to Joe like forever that night. THEN, last night I was just in my room minding my own business and he pounded on something in the quad really loud and threw an empty bottle in the suite. I went out and was like "what are you doing?" so he said "I wanted to get your attention". SOMETHING is up and I want to find out what it is before I go crazy.

Okay enough about that.....this weekend is gonna be really fun, and I'll just leave it at that for right now. I need to go out and lay in the sun anyway.
:: Erica 12:55 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 14, 2002 ::
i love drunken telephone conversations with erica at 2 in the morning. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

(only when i'm drunk tho.....she's an annoying drunk)
:: Joseph 8:31 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 ::
Let me just say that Death to Smoochy is one of the funniest dark comedies ever. My favorite kind of movie is dark comedy, but this was just AWESOME. I went to see it friday with Maura and Angela, and they didn't know if they would really like it. I thought I would like it but I wasn't sure. But when we got out of the theatre, we couldn't stop talking about it. We wanted to go back to see it the next night it was so great. So now I'm promoting it heavily. I hope part of the reason that I liked it so much isn't b/c I have a huge thing for Ed Norton...hmmm...and for all you pot smokers out there, I would consider not getting high before seeing this movie b/c it is so visually fucked up you wouldn't need to.

And one more thing, thanks for coming saturday Tommy! I know it was a long drive but it was fun to finally hang out with you. And I'm gonna have to brush up on my bowling, judging by that game.

Okay so this girl in the office is staring me down b/c she wants to use the computer so that's it for now.....

:: Erica 12:55 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, April 05, 2002 ::
I have reached the age of 20. I'm not a teenager, yet I can't drink yet...this sucks! No actually I had a GREAT birthday, one of the best ever. I had a normal day, then went out to dinner at Houlihan's in Victor. Angie, Chris, Kris, Dave, and Joe came and I brought Sara, Sarah, and Angela. I was really surprised to see Joe there, I had no idea that he was gonna come. I didn't get to talk to him too much, but it was still awesome that he came. Thanks Joe! I must be so out of it b/c my friends planned all my surprises practically right in front of me and I never caught them. They were "talking" about desserts that they would like and I was like "oooh that strawberry cheesecake looks good". So what happens when I get done with my dinner? The waiter comes over and says "Happy birthday!" and gives me a huge piece of cheesecake. It was so cool.

Oh and that's not all....after dinner we picked up John and then went back to the room. My suitemates were like "Okay Erica pick out a movie to watch for your birthday." So we started watching a movie, and halfway through, ALL my friends except John and Angela left. I was like "hmm". I knew something was going on out in the hall b/c they all went out there, but they wouldn't let me leave so I had no idea what was out there. So finally after like an hour they came in and told me to go to the laundry room. Pat was sitting out at the table in the quad trying to read and he thought we were all drunk but then he FINALLY figured out that it was my birthday. I heard him yelling happy birthday to me as I opened the door to the laundry room. Everyone was in there with party hats on. The room had streamers and balloons alllllll over it. I was in the middle of saying "this is so cute..." when BAM! I get hit in the face with A PIE. Then 2 more come flying at me. THEN they all decided to hit me with silly string. The place was a total mess. There was pie COVERING me, on the floor, on everyone else (I decided to get some people back) and silly string all over as well. Pat had in the mean time called some of his other suitemates out to gawk at me, and they sat around watching me get covered in pie and silly string like it was a movie. And OF COURSE my incredibly hot RA came around right at that exact moment as well. He looked at me like I was crazy, said "Happy birthday Erica", and gave me a lindt candy. Then he basically told us we had an hour to clean up the place. I took a shower, they cleaned up, and we went inside and finished the movie.

Even though I was really embarrassed, it was really funny and I love my friends so much for going through all that trouble for me. Thanks guys for a GREAT birthday!!!!
:: Erica 1:06 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 04, 2002 ::
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:: Joseph 12:48 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 ::
I'm baaaaaaaaaaack and better than ever! Or more tired than ever and it's only 10:30!! My roomate is already in bed so I can't write much for now....though she isn't actually going to sleep and keeps singing random things. Hmmm and she thinks I'm going to rape her....ANYWAY on to better things.

I'm back from Boston, it was great. The city was like a big city that wasn't crowded at all so it was like OUR big city. The T wasn't even half as bad as NYC and the restaurants were awesome. Maura's boyfriend/ex boyfriend/whoever he is showed us around Boston College where he goes to school. I met some cool people and the buildings were really nice. We went to Harvard too and pretended like we were smart. But a weird guy hit on us by saying "What kinda gum you girls chewin?" so we ran away fast. I bought an 80 dollar bathing suit at Macy's...it was worth it. Hmm there were more highlights but I am getting forgetful in my tired state.

So I got back on friday and hung out with Angie, who spent the night at my house for the weekend b/c her house is now in Michigan. We went to see Andy, Matt, Chris, Mike, Art....etc and then headed over to Chris Campbell's house. We watched The Fast and the Furious which was waaaaaay better than I thought it would be and Vin Diesel was damn hot. Saturday Angie threw me an impromptu birthday party and Shane made me a Carvel cake. Dave came too which was a 45 minute drive so it was awesome that he was there. Sunday I went to my grandparent's for dinner and Angie came with me. I got to see Lauren too! (who wants another shout out in here so here ya go girl)

Yeah and what do I do the frikken day I come back to school? Hit on possible crush next door some more. Grrr I'm so stupid I should leave these people alone. But he told me he liked my haircut like 39 times...I couldn't just NOT talk to him. Oh well, g'night
:: Erica 10:37 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 ::
Erica's in Boston and Connect-i-cut..........lucky
:: Joseph 9:08 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, March 25, 2002 ::
Yeah, let's not forget that Angelina Jolie and her lips were in the movie....she was the best part of the whole thing. =)
:: Joseph 10:50 PM [+] ::

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